The Power of Gratitude
The bible contains several passages that speak about gratitude, encouraging Christians to be thankful in all circumstances and to acknowledge God’s blessings. Here are some of the key passages:
The bible contains several passages that speak about gratitude, encouraging Christians to be thankful in all circumstances and to acknowledge God’s blessings. Here are some of the key passages:
Today we are celebrating the “Harvest thanksgiving Service ,” and I would like to bring some biblical reflections on the multiple harvest festivals mentioned in the Bible.
What is a habit? A habit is an automatic behaviour of our mental and physical structure; in other words, we don’t need to think before doing it—it’s something already installed, programmed within us.
Five pillars to overcome addictions and build good habits Read More »
God’s desire for us as Christians is our sanctification, He wants us to be set apart and to make something different and distinct, breaking old associations and renewing our minds (Rm 12.1,2)
Today I want to explore with you how can we improve our relationship with God.
God created you and He has plans and a purpose for you to fulfil in this life.
Two weeks ago, we studied about the restoration of the wall in the book of Nehemiah.