The Power of Love
Today I’m going to preach about the most important of the commandments and the most important weapon in transforming our lives and the world.
Today I’m going to preach about the most important of the commandments and the most important weapon in transforming our lives and the world.
One day Jesus walks into the temple and sees that there were many things going on, but there was no praying, so He says:
We are still on our 21days of Annual Fast! We are now on our last week. How many of you are fasting?
What are you expecting from God for this New Year? What is it that you want this year?
Our messages since the beginning of the Year have been leading up to our Annual Fasting which will be from the 31st of January to the 20th of February.
We are at the beginning of a new year, what are your expectations for this New Year the Lord has placed before you?
This is our first service of 2022 and in the beginning of the year we need to give ourselves to God and put Him first and give Him our best.
“My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,”.
Today I want to share a word that has been a compass and a guide for my Christian life and ministry.