We are at war! Israel and Signs of the Time [Part 2]
I’m preaching about Israel and Signs of the Time. Today I’m going to give you the second and last part of this message.
We are at war! Israel and Signs of the Time [Part 2] Read More »
I’m preaching about Israel and Signs of the Time. Today I’m going to give you the second and last part of this message.
We are at war! Israel and Signs of the Time [Part 2] Read More »
Today I’m going to talk about the future of all of us. The word of God has many prophecies that speak about this future. How many of you want to know about your future?
Last week I shared the message: Where are the other nine? And I spoke about gratitude.
Are you a grateful person? Are you grateful to God, grateful to your friends, grateful to your family and are you always saying thank you and showing appreciation even for the little things?
We have defined that a faithful servant is a believer who is responsible of managing, not owning, what has been entrusted onto them on God’s behalf. Every believer is called a steward, a manager, or a servant of that which is entrusted to them in terms of time, talents, and treasures.
Weeks ago I finished a series of messages on transformation and renewal of the mind. We learned that your mind needs to be transformed by the word of God because Your life is the result of your decisions, because as you think, so you are!