Your Faith is proven by your Sacrifice
We are at the beginning of a new year! If we want a different year, if we want a year where we will see the supernatural of God, we need to consecrate ourselves, we need to sanctify ourselves.
We are at the beginning of a new year! If we want a different year, if we want a year where we will see the supernatural of God, we need to consecrate ourselves, we need to sanctify ourselves.
Today you will receive a seed from God in the form of a message, and if you accept it, believe in it and walk on it, your spiritual, physical and emotional life will be radically transformed.
The Power and Authority of your Words [The Power of The Seed] Read More »
Weeks ago I started a series of messages, The Power of the Seed , today I will conclude this series.
Last week I started a new series of messages, The Power of the Seed… How many of you were blessed by that message?
How can God's promises come true in your life? [The Power of The Seed] Read More »
Today you will receive a treasure, a revelation that was given by Jesus .Your life can be transformed if you receive this Word in your heart; if believe in it, it will produce many fruits and in a few days or months you will be able to share with others the miracles you’ve received.
God does not answer needs, God answers Faith [The Power of the Seed] Read More »
Weeks ago I started a message titled: ‘The Culture of Serving and Loving’, and today I’ll conclude this message. According to Jesus, this is the most important teaching of all.
Today I want to talk to you about our life mission. If you were born again and love Jesus, you have two life missions to fulfil.
We are in our series “Greater Things” and today I will share the fifth and last message of this series. If you missed any of the messages, please go to our YouTube Channel and watch it because you will be blessed!
We are in our series “Greater Things” and today I will share the fourth message and next Sunday I will conclude with the last message of the series.