Be strong and courageous

The history of the people of Israel teaches us a lot: In the past, God used Moses to bring his people out of Egypt!

Joshua 1:1-6 “After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun: “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.”

The history of the people of Israel teaches us a lot: In the past, God used Moses to bring his people out of Egypt!

They left Egypt to go to a land called Canaan in Israel.

God said to the children of Israel : I have given you the land !

God gave the land to them but To reach the place that  God had promised them they had to move through the desert, they faced difficulties and many trials and had to fight many enemies on the way !

“For everything that was written in the past (Old Testament) was written to teach us.” Romans 15:4

What you are reading now is to teach you !

“The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. Hebrew 10:1

Everything that happened with the people of Israel is a shadow of the things that are coming to our lives .

As the people of Israel was slave in Egypt / before we born again we were slaves of Satan!

God saved us , He set us free and now we are going to possess our land.

Many people think that this land is heaven ! No of course not !

Because in heaven there is no enemy , you don’t have to fight in heaven !

This land that God promised us is everything you need in this earth , right now !

In that time , the land was very important, because they did not have paper money like we have today .

Because they would live with things that gonna grow on the land.

No matter how many seeds you had if you had no soil.

What good is seed without soil ? The seeds meant nothing at all .

Seeds will never reach its potential without soil !

What we need is a place to grow !

What is Shalom C. Fellowship to me ? Is a place to grow !

If I have the seed but no place to grow I can not develop my potential.

Some people don’t have time to come to church – that’s what they say !

But what they are saying is : I don’t have time to grow ! I don’t have time to be an adult Christian , an mature Christian.

I came here today to and purpose this afternoon I come to grow !

Every time you came to church , every time you go to Cell Meeting you are gonna grow ! But unfortunately some people don’t want to grow.

I need nutrition that comes out the soil ! Jesus said : man shall not live on bread alone , but from every word that’s come from God !

You come to church, to cell Meeting  to receive nutrition, I order you to grow .

I see many people that has no consistency!

The land only benefits consistent people !

You can not put me in the soil today and take me out tomorrow!

I came to church to grow , so once you plant me , leave me alone ! Let the seasons change , let the weather change , let the circumstances change !

I want to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of The Lord .

I came to grow !

You need to be consistent or you will miss your blessing , you will miss your miracle ,

You can be saved but you can miss the best of God in this land

There are some pastors , some churches that teaches people that Christian life gonna be easy !

But to grow takes time!

Impatient people will never inherit the promises of God , because if they don’t get the promise  in one week – they quit!

The moment the weather changes, the storms arise – they are not consistent enough to get the benefit of the promises of God – because they don’t have time to grow!

Because you don’t grow spiritually , you don’t know who you are , What you believe, you don’t know where you stand.

The children of Israel where Homeless , they had spent 430 years in Egypt and they spent 40 years in the wilderness.

Then God said I gonna give you a land !

Moses led them for 40 years and he dies short of finishing the mission. They wept for over a month – The whole nation crying !

They were close but not there .who will takes us the rest of the way ?

Who can do miracles like Moses ?

Joshua was nominated! But Joshua was only good under Moses .He was all right as an assistant !

God said to Joshua : as I was with Moses so shall be with you !

I dint call you to be a copy of Moses ! I will not give you the 10 Commandments, but I will be with you as I was with Moses.

God didn’t say I will make you Moses Junior !

My brothers , the one who was with Moses will be with you !

Be yourself – you will never discover what God can do in you trying to be me !

He is with you !

God said : I have given the land that you ! Possess it !

God gave you many promises but you have to take it !

First you have to conceive it in your spirit, then you are gonna receive !

Example: my first girl Lycia , was conceived in Uberlandia and she born in Paraná .

She was conceived in one place !

She was conceived in a complete different circumstance from where she births.

You believe in agreement but you receive in disagreement.

God said : Joshua I have given you the land and you and I are in agreement.

But when you get ready to possess it you will have to deal with the people who disagree!

God gave the land but there was enemies there and they had to fight .

I’m not talking about salvation ! You’re saved by faith trough Jesus Blood and it’s free !

When the Israelites got ready to possess the land there were the Amirate, Hittites, Jebusites, who were living on the land .

Do you think when Joshua came over them , what do you think they said ?

The Lord bless you ! Come on brothers – Joshua take the land , this is yours ! No , no !

This is where the fight is ! The fight is not in the church !

Lycia was conceived in Uberlândia (city in BRASIL)

Church is Uberlândia , here you’re conceiving but you’re not going to deliver here !

Some people have great faith in church , but the moment opposition comes – they quit !

If you don’t believe correctly you won’t receive correctly.

Joshua had to fight to receive what God did promises!

God said : I will be with you ! No weapon formed against is shall be able to prosper and every tongue that rises against us God will condemn!

You got to fight for this !

Don’t let your promises to the Jebusites !

Don’t you forget who you are !

Another example:  when you raise garden , when it’s time to sow , you go out in the field with One kind of tools And you plant the seeds .

When they grew and it’s time to harvest you didn’t take the same tools to the harvest !

Instead you get baskets ! You have to change your tools !

The Bible says Psalms 126:5-6  : you will sow in tears , but you will reap with joy

That’s why when you’re close to your harvest – The enemy tries to make you sad !

Because he knows you can not reap in sorrow ! So he’s gonna fight your attitude to have you so sad that you can not bring in the harvest.

In the spirit you reap with joy ! You can plant with tears , but you gonna harvest just with Joy !

The problem is : The blessing has come to birth / but no strength to deliver !

You have not changed your equipment from sowing in tear to reap with joy .

If you get this it’s gonna help you for real !

As long as you are worried, upset , troubled, sad , depressed , insecure , you not getting no harvest !

Please think : every mighty thing you ever did , you did when you were happy !

Every creative thing you ever birthed you birth with joy !

When you’re sad , depressed , unhappy you’re blocking your harvest.

When the presence of God comes , the anointing comes and I can get Joy , I can get healing because of the joy !

Because of the joy we receive the land , the benefit , you harvest your promises !

Joshua had to became a leader , he didn’t have the same anointing, he was not Moses

But when God commission’s Him God said : Be strong and very courageous !

Be strong and possess the land .

You need to have inner strength to defeat the Amonites, the Hittites , the Jebusites,

There a lot of enemies and you have to be strong and resist your own fear , and resist your doubts , your bad humour, your unbelief !

When you listen a voice that you are not good enough , be strong !

When the pain comes again , the sickness, be strong !

Be strong when the Gebusites say : I will never let you handle this land

My brother and sisters , there is no time to give up , no time to collapse, because the children have come to birth !

Remember : child is conceived in one place , in one satiation and the birth is in another place , another situation!

Women , do you know that point in delivery where there is no turning back !

Come on sisters – because the brothers don’t understand what I’m talking .

I remember when Fabiana was delivering Lycia , and was so difficult, so hard and she had a natural birth !

She had to push ! I watched Fabiana , she was in pain , but she could not go back !

She had to push

We as a church – we are preparing to give birth to many children and we have to push !

In order to do what God put in you !

God say : I didn’t tell you that would be easy , but I tell you : I WILL BE WITH YOU ! PUSH !

Be strong , be corageus and you will possess the land

I was beside Fabiana , I was trying to comfort her !

If you can endure the pain of this moments , if you can stand up and say : I have come to far to turn around !

I’m gonna endure this pain and get this promise ! Push !

The promise is in your pain , the promise is in your discomfort, the promise is in your ability to push.

I was there with Fabiana – she had my presence , but Fabiana had to birth the promise

His presence ! Our promise !

He promised – I will be with you ! No weapon formed against you will prevail!

That’s why you go to this church , we are here to help you !

We are here to help you because you need someone who is standing beside you and have the faith to tell you push !

The baby is the promise and you have to push !

You will not have big babies if you don’t have big pain

After Fabiana delivered Lycia , in one week the pain diminished and the baby grew !

The pain left and the baby stayed .

Jesus said : in the world you gonna have troubles , but take heart I overcome the world !

God is preparing you to give birth to big babies !

God is preparing this church and we have a big push ahead !

God is saying – it would not be easy but I will be with you!