Revival [Part 2]
Let me give you a quick review of what we learned last Sunday. If you didn’t hear this message, please listen to it later. Let’s read two verses that talk about a church crying out for revival.
Let me give you a quick review of what we learned last Sunday. If you didn’t hear this message, please listen to it later. Let’s read two verses that talk about a church crying out for revival.
Today I’m going to start a new series of messages. “REVIVAL.” In these last days the Holy Spirit has been telling my heart that we need REVIVAL! The Church of Jesus needs revival, and you and I also need revival at a personal level!
Why we are teaching about character? Because many Christians unfortunately come to church but maintain their old and negative character, giving a bad testimony as Christians and children of God. We must all be transformed and have a sanctified character.
God’s desire for us as Christians is our sanctification, He wants us to be set apart and to make something different and distinct, breaking old associations and renewing our minds (Rm 12.1,2)
Last week I shared a message about God’s Supernatural, and today I want to share the second part of this message Today’s Message: Wait for the Supernatural! Part 2
Today, I want to share a word that God has put in my heart. How is your Christian life? How is your spiritual life? How is your relationship with God?
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
Today I would like to share some revelations of and insights into the theme of “Spiritual Fatness”. We are going to look deeper and explore how today’s comforts can lead into letting our guards down in the dangerous spiritual world. And I hope to help you become more spiritually alert and awake as well as
Today I want to talk about dissatisfaction! Do you consider yourself a dissatisfied person?