Change your mindset in 2022 (Part 2)

This is our first service of 2022 and in the beginning of the year we need to give ourselves to God and put Him first and give Him our best.

I pray that this message may bring more hunger for God in this coming new year.

On the 1st of February we are going to start our 21 days of Daniel Fasting, and the messages until then will all be in preparation for our 21 Day Fasting. We want to see God moving in our church, our town and in this nation.

For the new year message I spoke about the renewing of our minds, and today we are going to learn more about the importance of our minds.

Today’s message: Change your mindset in 2022 (part 2)
Are you excited for the New year? You should be!

I’m excited, happy and with my heart full of faith for this New Year!

I know problems will come: great challenges, obstacles , tests , tribulation and hardships are sure to come!

Life will bring us challenges so that we may grow in Faith. You are going to have a year full of miracles, not an easy year!

Get ready for a year of miracles!

Let’s read Mark 2:18-22

Once when Johns disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, some people came to Jesus and asked, Why dont your disciples fast like Johns disciples and the Pharisees do?Jesus replied, Do wedding guests fast while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. They cant fast while the groom is with them. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.””

Mark 2:18-22 NLT

Jesus, the Master, the Lord, taught a lesson to the religious people, the Pharisees. He gave 2 practical examples that everybody understood.

You cannot get a new fabric, attach it to an old fabric and expect it to work well, because the 2 fabrics have 2 different experiences, if you put them together you will waste both , the new and the old will be wasted!

Jesus went deeper and used yet another illustration that common people were very familiar with: the production of wine.

He said : You Cannot put new wine into old wineskin , because new wine goes through a process of fermentation and will expand.

The new wine must go into a container that has elasticity and flexibility.

If you put new wine into an old wineskin (into a rigid bottle) it causes damage to the container and the wine will also be wasted!

What is Jesus teaching us here? We need to understand it as believers!

Everybody is expecting a good new year, a happy and a blessed new year. But it is not going to happen in a puff of magic, just because you want it badly or just because a new year has started.

If you want to experience a year of miracles and receive what God has for you, you need to renew the Spirit of your Mind and you have to be prepared to make it happen !

You need to change your mindset because your mind is a critical thing!

God gives you the day and you chose how you are going to use the hours you have.

God is giving you a new year and you are going to decide how you are going to live it.

A New year comes with new opportunities. If you are going to have a new year, you have to acquire a “New Mentality” – you need to have a new mindset!

If you go into the new year with your old mind set you will only repeat the same mistakes over and over again !

You need to be determine not to go into the same mess , not to commit the same errors of the past year!

I may face new challenges , make new mistakes , but I refuse to make the same mistakes from last year ! Don’t fall into the same traps from last year !

Remember that God promised Israel that they would all leave Egypt and God would take them to a land flowing with milk and honey.

God promised it but they didn’t receive it!  Why ?

Because the Israelites got out of Egypt but Egypt didn’t get out of their minds. They were free but still had enslaved mind.
You have to understand, your mind is significant to the purpose and plan of God. You must set your mind on the promises of God !

This year you should read the word and invest time in learning the promises of God !

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Colossians 3:2

Stop wasting your time ! Set your mind on things from above !

You cannot waste this new year ! This year is a year of destiny , it is a year of direction. You cannot miss out on what God has for you as the Israelites did.

Your mind must have the elasticity, the flexibility to receive the things of God!

You need to be open to new things and new dimensions.

Your mind needs to get ready, your attitude needs to change.

Your priorities need to be set straight!

You have to decide:

I don’t have time to be sad, don’t have time to be frustrated, to be depressed.

Because : This is the day that God has made! This is the year that the Lord has made ! I WILL REJOICE IN IT !

I made up my mind, I will rejoice, I will be glad, I will serve God, I’m not going to waste my time, I want more of God, I want more of the Holy Spirit, I want to see the supernatural, I want to experience miracles in 2022.

In order for you to receive all of what is in store for you, you must change your mindset.

You have to decide:

This year I’m gonna live in peace with my family ,  I’m gonna live in peace with my children , I’m gonna stop fighting with my family.

I’m going to forgive those who have sinned  against me. I’m not going to carry on with this bitterness of heart !  Im going to forgive and to fix the situation !

This year I’m going to be faithful to God , I’m gonna give back my tithes and offerings, I’m not going to rob God, I’m going to be faithful to God.

I’m gonna stop wasting my time, this year I’m gonna grow spiritually , I’m going to develop my ministry , this year I’m going to be used by God.

I’m going to free myself , I’m going to leave all kinds of sin behind and I will be used by God.

You need to humble yourself and to change your mindset, your mind needs to be transformed , BECAUSE YOUR MIND IS A WEAPON !

The Bible says: With your mind you serve the Lord.  (Romans 7:25)

The enemy is afraid of your mind and he tries to deceive you ! The enemy knows – If you have your mind set on the Word of God  –  No weapon will prevail against you  ! (Isaiah 54:17)

But stop fighting with the wrong enemy – stop fighting against your spouse, stop fighting against your children , against your parents , against people . Go to your “war room” and pray ! Because you will never to change anyone fighting against them.

Your mind needs to be changed ! Everything begins as a thought, in our minds. Healing begins in my mind. Deliverance begins in my mind.

If in your mind you can see yourself healed, by faith you are healed.

Do you remember the woman with the blood illness: She was sick at home and she said to herself: If I touch Jesus I will be healed. Healing begins in your mind.

The Bible says in proverbs : “For as man thinks in his heart, so is he.

Proverbs 23:7 NKJV

Man is what he thinks about himself !

You need to understand – You are not a failure , you are not an accident

You are a blessed child of GOD

The Bible says that “in Christ we are more than conquerors”

Romans 8:37

In Christ and trough Christ we can win over any situation by Faith !

You have a New Year ahead and God has New things for you ! You need to have a New mind for the New Things !

If you don’t have a new mind for new things, when God gives you new opportunities, your old mentality will destroy these opportunity !

You need to have new thoughts, new ideas , a new vision! You need to have a vision for the future ! When your head is renewed , your body has to follow !

If you have your head ( mind) free your body is free also !

But you need to know Who you are!


Do you remember the prodigal Son in the bible ? Luke 15:11-23


  • He had disgraced himself!
  • His family was upset with him.
  • His father was waiting for him.
  • He had lost all his financial support.
  • He was bankrupt.
  • He lost everything.
  • He was working for somebody who should be working for him.
  • He was feeding pigs.
  • He was eating the pigs food.
  • He was covered in mud and smelling like a pig

He could not move his body out of that place!

But he moved his mind out of that place ! HE GOT HIS MIND OUT OF THAT PLACE !

The Bible says : ““But when he came to himself, he said, How many of my fathers hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! Luke 15:17 NKJV

HE CAME TO HIMSELF ! You have to come to yourself . You need to come to your senses


I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, Luke 15:18 NKJV

He was there , but he changed his mind ! I sinned against heaven , I sinned against God . I’m going to return to my father’s house !

Before your situation changes – you need to change your mindset.

You need new ways of thinking , a new vision and new attitudes.

If you have a free mind,  you have a free body.

If your head is changed then your body has to follow !

It is your new mindset that is going to give you a new year.

This is the year that God has given you and you need to make things happen , not just wait for God to operate miracles .

Jesus said : If you put new wine into an old wineskin it will burst ,

 it’s going to be wasted – because you failed to transform your mind.

Thanks to your mindset – you can waste this year, you can waste your time with foolish things.

You should not spend another year trying to change people’s mind , trying to change others, you need to change yourself !

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2


Be transformed by the renewing of your mind !

Is not the new year that is going to change your life, It’s the renewing of your mind through the word of God.

The bible says : Your  Life is transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Before you can have a good family you must have a new mindset.

Before you have a good marriage you need to have a new mindset.

Before you are blessed financially you need a new mindset.

The problem with the old wineskin , is that they are rigid !

When you put new wine in new wineskin – the skin can stretch itself out as the new wine expands.

When you fast and pray and read the Bible your old mind is renewed

If you don’t have a new mind – you are going to lose your blessing.

You need to stretch , you need to grow this year !

Many people – with old mindsets never grow spiritually. If you don’t stretch you are going to lose all the opportunities coming with this new year.

When football players are about to  play – they go into the field and they start stretching and warming up  – they need to get ready for the game.

Today you need to start stretching in order to receive what God has for you.

For a good new year you need a new mindset and new attitude !

Happy New Year!