Choose Faith over Fear

I’m going to bring a message of faith and I believe that is a word in season for your life.

There are many people afraid and too fearful about this time we are currently living in.

God said: Don’t be afraid.

Did you know the most often given commandment in the Bible is FEAR NOT!

“Fear not” always come together with God’s most common promise: For I am with you !

Fear not is mentioned 366 times in the Bible, that’s a Fear Not for every day you get up.

Fear Not because goodness and mercy are waiting for you !

God says to you: When you feel afraid, you need to trust Me more, choose faith over fear. Why? Because our God is greater.

If you have been panicking, if you have been worrying, if you have been feeling distressed, if you feel that the world is out of control, I assure you, it’s not!

God is God and when He is near us, any fear is dispelled of our lives and today there is no need for panic but we must make a choice, you have to choose faith over fear!

We as a church are obeying all government guidelines, of course you have to protect yourself, stay at home, but don’t panic, you shouldn’t fear because you have to choose faith over fear.

Faith is one of the most important things in the life of a Christian!

While you are alive, you will need to have faith!

You can lose everything in life, money, job, health but you cannot lose your faith!

Because if you lose your faith, you have lost everything! And through faith everything is possible!

Never lose your faith!

I want to talk about the book of Mark 5. There is an amazing story there and I think it speaks to the times we are in.

I want you to receive this message in your spirit and in your heart, so when you feel worried, when you feel afraid, when we feel the panic coming, when we feel anxiety, then you need to hear Jesus’ voice: Do not fear ! Don’t be afraid, just believe!

“A leader of the synagogue came. His name was Jairus. He saw Jesus and bowed down before him. 23 He begged Jesus again and again, saying, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and lay your hands on her. Then she will be healed and will live.””

Mark 5:22-23

35 “While Jesus was still there speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. They said, “Your daughter is dead. There is no need to bother the Teacher.” 36 But Jesus did not care what the men said. He said to the synagogue leader, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.””

Mark 5:35-36

The girl had died, it was a tragedy. She was 12 years of age, and Jesus walked into that house where death had come.  We don’t know what killed her but it must have been some disease that had taken her life.

Then Jesus says something so strange when He comes into the house. It’s in verse 39

“They went to the synagogue leader’s house, where Jesus saw many people crying loudly. There was a lot of confusion. 39 He entered the house and said, “Why are you people crying and making so much noise? This child is not dead. She is only sleeping.””

Mark 5:38-39

They were weeping and they were crying loudly. When He came in, He said to them: Why are you distressed and weeping? Why do you make such a big fuss about this situation?

Why you are troubled and afraid just believe

He was not down-playing the danger, he was not down-playing the tragedy, He was not down playing it as he was unaffected by the sorrow and the weeping and the tragedy that the people were going through in that house.

What Jesus really was saying was: Even in the darkest moments, even in the darkest days choose faith over fear.

What He was saying was: I AM HERE! I’m in your house and He said: why are you crying, just believe!

Certainly I’m not preaching that your problem is nothing, plague is nothing, I’m not saying the Coronavirus is nothing!  It’s deadly, it’s dangerous!

But when you compare it to our God it is nothing, because He doesn’t fail, and He is with us and He is for us.

We believe today that the spirit of fear is around the world and it wants to do everything that it can to get us to worry, to feel anxious, to feel stressed out.

Look at your problem and say: Problem my God is greater than you!

You have to learn the Word of God and when you feel the fear, the worry, the anxiety and stress, the words you’ve learned will come up in you like a defence.

God is saying: Just believe, Don’t let worry lead you into panic.

Jesus said: I’m with you in your home, I’m where you are, I know your address, I know all about you, I have not forgotten about you, I’m with you.

No matter what comes our way, our first reaction should be faith that overcomes the fear.

If you are facing problems in your family, marriage, with your children, your finances if you are sick…

Choose faith over fear, choose faith over panic and crying.  Because we serve a powerful God!

What about this virus? We will survive, because we are more than conquerors through Christ.

No weapon formed against us will prosper and He said: nothing can separate us from the love of God.

We have been dominated in our culture by fear and We need to go from fear-based living to faith-based living.

Choose faith over fear .

Hebrews 10:38, Habakkuk 2: 4

“But my righteous one will live by faith” The just shall live by his faith!   You have to live by your faith!

This means that, in your life, God won’t be greater than your faith.

God will always be the size of your faith!

This is a time to choose faith because God has the power of life and death , He holds the key in his hands.

The devil is so defeated that it doesn’t even have the keys to its own house!

Because Jesus said: I have the Keys of Heaven and Hell.

We are being overloaded with bad news every day, when you switch the tv on, you have to choose faith over fear!

Because God has promised, God is with me, God is for me, God is blessing my family, keeping my family safe, He can be trusted and I can trust Him.

Choose faith over fear, don’t let fear get you!

In the book of Numbers – Moises sent 12 spies to the land of Canaan.

The 10 spies were full of fear because they only saw difficulties. (Numbers 13: 28)

But 2 of them said: we are able to take them over. (Numbers 14:8-9)

10 of them said: oh no, the giants are too great, the problems are too great, we are going to be massacred!

But 2 of them who didn’t let fear overcome them, came back and they said: we are able, we are going to win!

Do you know what happened to them?  They got vaccinated with faith!

That’s what needs to happen to you.

You need to get vaccinated with faith to give you the power to choose faith over fear!

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith in the Name above every name, faith in the power of the Cross and the blood of the Lamb.

Faith that the blood of the Lamb is over your household, on your doorpost to protect you.

Faith is the blood that can cause the spirit of death to pass over your house.

God promised He would never leave you, never forsake you, never abandon you!

I’m here to tell you that God does not want you to live in fear!

Fear is usually the result of increased vulnerability!

That’s what we are feeling these days around the world. We feel vulnerable.

We don’t have any way to protect ourselves but we have the protection that is promised in the Word of God!

Please read Psalm 91 at home and mean it when you utter these words!

“no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.”

Psalms 91:10-11

It’s written when you are in trouble He will have his Angels to be over you, that He will protect you, will keep you!

When you are afraid choose faith over fear, read Psalm 91, read the word of God!

If you read the Bible you are going to find faith to face your fear.

1 “ the LORD Says: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.

2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”

Isaiah 43:1-2

To have Faith doesn’t mean that you don’t have any problems or issues!

Everybody has problems, everybody gets sick, everybody goes through issues but

Everything is better with Jesus including trouble!

when you pass through the water, I will be with you, when you go through the rivers, they will not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire it will not burn you! Neither shall the flame scorch you.

Face the problem but focus on God!  Choose faith over fear!

Fear causes us to be paralysed. It makes us stuck in one place. But you should always keep going!

I know some Christians that are stuck in their lives because of fear!

Fear causes you to enter a place of indecision!

When God tells you fear not, He is saying: trust me even though you are afraid!

Trust me and choose faith over fear!

You have to trust God and walk in faith fighting and facing your fear!

We have problems, we are facing the problems, but we choose to focus on God while doing that!

The most often given commandment is Fear Not for I Am With You!

God delights in strong and courageous people!

When they face challenges they don’t go back, they don’t fear and they don’t fall!

Many fear for their business, their finances, marriage, the country’s economy. I believe this fear is very real to many of you.

Jesus said: I will take care of you!

If I feed the sparrows I’m going to feed you! If I take care of nature I will take care of you!

Sometimes the greatest thing that can happen in our life is for God to shut everything down.

We are in the middle of a divine shutdown and many people are stocking up food and water and essentials.

We are in a shutdown but that is  when God does his greatest work.

When you are down to nothing God’s up to something!

God’s doing something in Ireland, Europe and the world.

God is showing everybody that we have no control, you can’t protect yourself, you can’t even travel or get out of your home!

He is saying: You have no the control

Now is time for us to say: God we don’t know what to do! We need you!

God is saying I brought the world to a divine shutdown so that you will look up and say: God our eyes are on you.

Our God is bigger than the shutdown, our God is bigger than all our financial needs!

We will see restoration and resurrection and miracles but it all starts to when we are down on our knees,

2 Chronicles 7:14

it must begin with my people which are called by my name humbling  themselves and calling on God and pray and seek His face.

Please when you watch the news, when you receive information, when you see this and that happening around you, don’t fear, Just trust me, God says!

God is teaching us in the middle of this shutdown, in the middle of this crisis to depend on Him.

Faith is a dependency on God.

What to do in times of trouble?

I will put my faith in the one who has conquered it all, the one who said he would never leave and never forsake me, the one who says, “I’m your God , you are my people!”

God so loved the World that He gave his only begotten son that whoever would believe on Him, should not perish but have eternal life!

The invitation to you is:

Come to God just as you are and He will bless you, He will protect you, He will heal you, He will strengthen you, He will lift you up!

You know you’re not immune to problems, we will go through problems but there is an anchor to your soul , there is something that gives you power to move forward, to keep going on with no fear!

It’s Jesus! The Son of God ! The one who died and rose again !

It’s time now where you are , in your home, your office, wherever you are I want to ask you to receive the peace, the forgiveness, the healing and the comfort that come from Christ.

Replace panic with praise, replace worry with worship!

God bless you