Don’t miss God’s visitation

You did not know the time of your visitation!

This verse show that we do not know when God are going to visit us !

Luke 19:37-44

37 “When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
38 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
40  “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
41 As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it
42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.
43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.
44 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.””

New KJ version “, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”” Luke 19:44 NKJV

You did not know the time of your visitation!

This verse show that we do not know when God are going to visit us!

I have told you many experiences that I had with God! Times of prayer and God visit me, Angels from God visited me, Times of pain and God came and healed me, times of need and God brought what needed .

But we need be prepared for God’s visitation!

This verse show us you don’t decide the time of breakthroughs, and miracles, but we can miss our time of visitation

Today we gonna talk we need to recognise this moments – because if you have a low enthusiasm, if you are not passionated by Jesus we can miss our time of visitation.

Because many people are loosing God’s visitation because they have no excitement and today I’m gonna show you that you can miss your moment that was prepared by God.

When you don’t respond to God when He speak to you and everything can change from rejoicing to weeping because there are no excitement, no zeal for God

2 King 13 there is a story

History of old prophet Elisha, He was dying in bed, in his death bed the bible said – Jehoash the King came running him and said: the enemy are coming what do I do?

And the prophet got out the bed and said a strange think:

2 King13: 17 “”Open the east window,” he said, and he opened it. “Shoot!” Elisha said, and he shot. “The Lord’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!” Elisha declared. “You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek.””

2 Kings 13:18,19 “Then he said, “Take the arrows,” and the king took them. Elisha told him, “Strike the ground.” He struck it three times and stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times.””

The Bible says the King took the arrow and struck the ground 3 times and Bible says the prophet really got angry!

How a foolish person you are !

When God gives you a direction, when God speaks to you, when God gives you a word and you don’t take it enthusiastically, as if an human been had spoke to you,  you can miss Gods blessing over your life .

Because the prophet said you just hit the ground 3 times with no enthusiasm!

Sometimes God gives a Word and we do the same, with no enthusiasm, we just obey for 2 or 3 times and because of that we do not defeat our enemies!

The prophet said to the King: I gave a word to you and because you had no excitement, and you hit just 3 times and stooped, now you’re gonna be defeated by the Syrians ,

But if had hit with great excitement and enthusiasm you would have completely destroyed all of your enemies – but you missed (t) and you gonna pay high cost for your low enthusiasm!

The prophet said: you could have victory but you didn’t take it seriously.

Sometimes many people in church do the same: you treat it as another Service , another sermon , another time , another worship time!

We just hear a message and say: another sermon!

We should come alive , we should come crazy , You listen God but you took it routinely, common.

God says to his people: There is no passion, no excitement, do not move by what you listen , you don’t tremble at my word , you have no zeal , no passion , I don’t inspire you , you receive many Words but no reaction

I’m telling you / you can pay a high price for not getting excited about serving Jesus

We have to respond with excitement or we gonna miss unbelievable opportunities from God

Many Christians serve God with no excitement, many people are missing God’s visitation!

Testimony: Fish bone

How many people miss their miracles because lack of commitment, lack of passion, sometimes laziness!

Years ago, Fabiana and me was having dinner , before go to church and we were eating fish.

And a big fish bone got stuck on my throat!

The pain was terrible,

When finish worship time / The bone disappeared / You don’t know when God are going to visit you!

If I had not gone to church that day I would not have received the miracle!

But sometimes we are lazy, we have no commitment with God , we don’t go to church , to pray Meeting, to cell Meeting , and we missed (t)  our miracle !

This is the reason we should persevere, never give up , never quit , and never get weary we do encourage ourselves to the Lord

Because our response matters

There is another history in the bible: Esau (Issó) and Jacob (Genesis 25:34)

Esau was a Hunter and Jacob was a cook.

Esau was the first born and he had the birth right blessings but he was not interested in spiritual things

He didn’t care about his inheritance; he was not excited about God’s things but about others things

Jacob had enthusiasm for spiritual things

Esau had enthusiasm for carnal things

Esau never asked about his inheritance, But Jacob had in mind I want that blessing! I’m excited to have that blessing, one day Jacob had a fight with an angel and he said I don’t let you go If you do not bless me !

I want that blessing, I want that blessing , I’m excited about it , I’m enthusiastic about it.

That favour, that anointing, that propose, that destiny ! We should desire it ,

This is important: Esau had the birth right blessing, it’s was his , it had been given to him , but he wasn’t excited and enthusiastic about it ,

One day after hunting he came home and Jacob had prepared a lentil soup

Esau was starving, hungry, and he said give the soup

Jacob said: Give me the birth right and I will give you the beans !

Soup for the birth right. /. Amount of blessings for a bow of soup

The bible said ,because Esau was not excited and enthusiastic about the propose, the plan , the call and the anointing and the blessing / He trade for a bow of soup !

And the blessing came upon Jacob !

Beloved you need to have enthusiasm, passion, for things of God

If you gonna be a Christian – be a great Christian

If you are going to church – come with passion

If you gonna worship God – worship Him with excitement

This church should be a church full of excitement, full of happiness, full of true Christians

There is a very high cost for low enthusiasm and excitement

Esau lost the blessing and Jacob obtained it!

Esau paid a high cost for not be enthusiastic and excited about things of God

Look to the life King David- When he was bringing back the Ark of the covenant!

There was shouting, dancing, rejoicing!

The Bible says He danced before the Lord with all his might!

2 Samuel 6:13-14 “When those who were carrying the ark of the Lord had taken six steps, he sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf. Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might,”

Maybe we have to much defeated in our lives because we stopped praising God  like we used to praise

The bible talks about the high price of low enthusiasm

His wife was not there praising, dancing, worshiping ! She was in the palace

When she saw her husband praising, dancing before the Lord with all his might

She started mocking him, criticising him and said David you look like a fool! You are the king of Israel, you are an leader – Why are you acting like a fool?

This is what religion says!

most people the more religion they get the more deather their praise gets

Those who don’t worship God with excitement, is because they have religion and not relationship with Jesus!

David said to his wife: I’m sorry but I was not dancing for you! I even wasn’t thinking about you!

I was dancing as gratitude and obedience to my God!

I was dancing before the one took me from the sheep to the palace!

Please watch the high price David’s wife paid for the low enthusiasm!

Listen: God saw what she did , God cursed her for her lack of response, and for that day forward the bible said she could not bear children! Wow!

Did you know that there are things that God put in you by the seed of his word, but you never bring this thing to birth if you don’t learn how to praise God properly, with enthusiasm, with joy, with great excitement!

It’s more than noisy, it’s more than just play an instrument and sing with tongue! We must have excitement, and enthusiasm!

There are things you never going give birth until you have this passion, this fire,  this excitement in your life !

There are some people praising God as if they were in a funeral!

We should be a church that praise him with all our heart, soul, and body!

Praise him if you had a hard week, praise him if you had a setback, praise him if you are in pain!

Paul and Silas in Prison! They were beaten, they were in pain and started praising God and a miracle happened and they were set free from prison!

To finish: When Jesus entered in Jerusalem the people were happy and they  began  to praise God in loud voices, great enthusiasm, excitement, great joy

And the Pharisees! I call them critics, every church has them!

Luke 19:39 The critics say to Jesus: you need to rebuke them, you need to stop them!

They are too excited, they are praising with loud voices, they are dancing, they are too enthusiastic about you Jesus !

They are fanatical, tell them to stop!

Jesus response was: If this people don’t praise me – the rocks will will cry out and will praise me!

Watch this: there is a high cost to low enthusiasm and excitement, passion and zeal for Jesus Christ.

Jerusalem had the potential to be a place of peace! But they were totally destroyed!    Why?  Luke 19:44

They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you. “, because you did not know the time of your visitation

Revelation 3:15,16

Jesus also talked about people that are not excited, not in passion, in fire for him

That why Jesus said: if you’re lukewarm – I’m about to spit you out of my mouth!

Passion, Zeal and enthusiasm are vital components of your Christian faith!

We need to pursue every opportunity from the Lord with fervour, accomplishing all he has planned for us

God is calling / and your response matters! Jump in, dive in, and go after it!