Drink your Cup

Luke 22:42 “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Revelation 2:10 “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Today’s Message : Drink your Cup

Have you ever been going trough something so tough in your life and you have said: I don’t understand why that happened in my life.

Issues in your family , in your health, finances and maybe in your spiritual life and you don’t know why things are not working right!

You have prayed , prayed and no answer until now!

Many time you don’t want to drink the Cup that God have for you

Jesus in the Gethsemane said:

Lord take this cup from me! Jesus “as a man” asked God to take the cup from Him –

But he finished: but  not My will, but Yours, be done.”

We don’t understand sometimes that is the Cup is going to produce the the crown, the victory , the joy , the success in our lives

Revelation 2:10 “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

You need to understand that victory is in the other side that you’re going trough!

If you want the crown , if you want the success you need to be served first the cup!

In the Bible the Cup always precedes the Crown!

The Cup represents the trials, the struggles and the adversities of life, but anytime you go trough something like that  , God promises –  with the Cup is the crown if you endure and hold on !

This is a bible principle ! this is a established kingdom principle there always before the crown will be the Cup

You see God uses adversities to develop us!

God is more interested in developing your character than in solving your problems!

There are come times you go trough things you don’t understand what God is doing , but the cup is always preparing you for the promotion ,for the crown and for the high places that God has for you!

In the Book of Revelation you can see Jesus wearing many crowns but wasn’t until he first had his Cup

Matthew 26:39 “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.””

What Jesus was saying? This cup of adversities, pain , trials , and difficulties is hard !  but I know that there is a Crown ahead and Jesus is the example of The Cup before the crown.

Because God is preparing us for the crown , preparing us to be more then conquerors!

The Gospel you see is Good News – But Good News have bad News first!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ isThe Death, The Burial, and the Resurrection

The first part of the Gospel is not good news : is the Suffering, The Death, The Burial and then the Resurrection –

The is in your life ! Anytime you go trough this Cup experience is the bad side before the good side shows up

If I hold on the Cup , if I obey God , if I say , not my will but your will be done in my life / then you are prepared to be an winner, a conqueror, a victory , success, !

If God serves you a Cup in your family , in your job, in your health, if He serves you cup in your college , or other areas – in the same area you are getting the Cup you are going to get the crown of  victory in Jesus Name.

Let think about  life of Job .

He was served this Cup of experience!

Many times we have a little , a bit of the cup a day ! One problem one day , another problem another day ……

But Job had to drink the whole cup in one day !

In one day everything in his life was changed ! He had this cup of Experience in one day

He lost his 10 children in one day

He lost his wealth in one day / the bible says he was one of the richest man on West and he lost everything in one day

He lost his Health – he got very sick , he got leper / a terrible disease !

He lost his wife support in one day

The Bible says he lost even his friends in one day

He took the whole cup in one day

Job did not know where God was ! But God knew where Job was !

Sometimes it feels that the fence / hedge  are down ! (God’s protection)

Do you remember about Job story?

Satan enter before God and God starting saying how good Job had served him .

Satan said: if you let the hedge / fence down I can get Job!

When the hedge are down then the enemy starts attaching your family

When the hedges are down them the enemy attack your life

But it may not be you have done anything terrible because Jesus paid the price for you!

The only reason it’s happening could be that God is saying to Satan about you!

Take job’s name and put your!

Have you considered Satan my servant “Marcio” ,  (take jobs out put your)

If you take that cup is going to prepare you for a mighty Crown

Job didn’t understand when the edges went down!

Job was surrounded of protection. We did understand that God’s will for us is not always  to have everything perfect in our life

Christianity is not everything perfect as many pastors and churches preaches on the Tv say!

My brother and sisters when you say to God , not my will but your will be done , this is the time you’re going to know God , not on the Mountain top , but when you go to the darkest valley of death!

Job discovered : this is not a tragedy, this is trust!

The heavier the tragedy, the heavier the trust!

I’m not preaching to defeat you but you need to understand there is a cup you have to drink!

What you have to do ? You have to say : Satan I’m not going to quit , I’m not going to give up!

Israel went out from Egypt and the last 2 year before they entered in the promised land it was the most terrible years they faced!

Even when they got in the promised land , the Bible said there were walls and they had to walk around the walls in circles

Joshua 6

Even thou they were in promised land they still had to fight against enemies!

Sometimes we say : Praise God I’m in the Kingdom of God , I’m born again , I got baptized, I’m in a very good church and now no more problems.

But you are going to face more walls , because the kingdom of God is not a cruise ship ,  this is a battle ship

we are here not to play and just enjoy life : we are kingdom warriors , we are in a battle field

Let see what Paul wrote to Timothy

2 Timothy 2:1 and 3

1- “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

3- Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”

Are you a Jesus’ disciple? If you’re are disciple you’re a Soldier of Christ !

You’re in a battle field , the church is a Battle Ship  and we are in a War against the Darkness !

Unfortunately many soldiers are not in the battle , they are not in the battle ship …….. they are at home ,  They are resting , they don’t want to fight, don’t want to pray , don’t want go to Church , some are lazy !

Job didn’t have a Bible

Job didn’t have a preacher

Job didn’t have friends

Job didn’t have any Cell Meeting (house meeting to go to )


Job 13:15 “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.”

Job 19:25 “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

I now my redeemer lives ! In the end He will stand on for me !

If your miracle didn’t happens it’s because you’re not at the end of the Cup !

When this cup passes I know he have a crown for me !

And you know the end of Jobs story : he got double what he had before!

Everything Job lost God gave him back twice more ! Because he took the Cup !

The most important Job received was not the double physical blessings ! But real experience he had with God

Job 42:5 “My ears had heard of you – but now my eyes have seen you.”

Many Christians are in the church listening, but never had a experience with God !

After  the Cup Job Job said : but now my eyes have seen you !  Wow

When we are in the midst of the trouble we can not see God and we are confused

When you’re drinking the Cup / You have to have in mind the plan that God have for you!

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Im now in this situation , but I know the plans that God have for my life

Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

He is going to meet all your needs !  If he yet did meet your need is because not the end your cup !

You need to believe in all God’s promises!

When you get sick , when you loose your job , when troubles come , when the cup comes / Don’t fall apart ! God still on the Throne!

Your greatest blessings will come out of dark seasons of your life !

I have experienced this I’m my life ! (Lost job , no food , but I saw God )

May times you can think that God forgot and God abandoned but the Lord is there !

If you going to reign with Him you gonna drink from this cup

The reason this cup has been putting in your hand is  because God’s plan for your life ! Don’t give up !

Drink it all – don’t walk away half way and say I quit  – I’m going  back to my old life , I’m gonna back to addiction or any sin !

You need to understand that victory is in the other side that you’re going trough !

The crown of life is the other side

Revelation 2:10 NKJV “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

Matthew 24:13 “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

2 Timothy 4:8 NIV Paul the apostle, in his last day , when he was about to die said : “Now there is in store for me the crown  of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing .”

There is a Crown waiting for those who keep faithful to God until the end!

There is a Crown waiting for those who take the cup and say : I’m here to do your will !

You should stand up , say:  this is a time for me to go to a new level.

What this cup is doing is let me know that there is a Crown coming in my way

Please: don’t give up , don’t quit , don’t you back up but stand up in Jesus Name!

Because greater is He that is in you !

Pray: for all brother from Cell group to endure and persevere and never give up , not go back to old life of addiction, sin , living for God , drinking their cup and doing God’s will .