Fasting brings God’s favour

What are you expecting for 2019 ? What are you waiting for ?

We should have expectation!

Faith and expectation – both work together and go together.

Faith expect from God what is beyond all expectation !

You can not have faith without expectation! If you have faith in God you need to have expectation!

What are you expecting for your family, your spiritual life , your finances , your church , academic life , your marriage, etc

I’m expecting miracles, salvation of many people , Spiritual release , God’s Favour , Spiritual Power of the Holy Spirit  , Health , protection , healings , blessings , new building for our church , revival in Ireland and strong and tangible presence of God in our Services in 2019.

In order for you to have a great year , you need to have expectation and you should prepare for it .   

We need to get ready !

We are preparing for Our annual 21 days Daniel fasting !  Because Fasting brings God’s favour !

We are going to start on 04th February (Monday) and finish on 24th February (start eating normal on 25/02)

The challenge in this 21 days is to fast some meals and eat vegetables, fruits and water.

This is not obligation , every one should pray and decide how to fast , what to fast , because some people can not fast for long time – for health problems , but every one should do your best for God’s Glory.

You’re fasting food but you should limit internet , facebook, Twitter, instagram , and also to Limit watching news , Why ?

Because you need to use your time wisely , you should have your time with God everyday .

You gonna stop Facebook and gonna FaceBible !

John Piper quote about fasting: Christian Fasting, at its root , it’s the hunger of homesickness for God !

On these 21 days Fasting and praying , God is gonna open the floodgates of Heaven over our Church , over Ireland  and over your life!

God is gonna bring salvation , deliverance , healing, miracles , finances provision , Gods blessings and God’s favour to your life !  

Mike Bickle said : When people pray and fast , there is an increase of Holy Spirit activity

What happens in the unseen world when we fast and pray ?

In book of exodus 17  there is a tremendous story about prayer and fasting

This is story of Moises and the Amalekites . God told then to go upon the mountain and lift his hands towards heaven

Exodus 17:11 “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.”

As long he had his hand up , as God told him to do , as long he had a physical obedience , He was winning the battle in the unseen world  because of his physical obedience!

This story is important because it reinforces the fact of Physical Obedience brings spiritual release !

That’s why this story is so important because there is a connection between what we do physically and what happens spiritually !  (spiritual world )

Angels are released in that battle when Moises raised his hand physically !

If Moses hands started coming down than the enemy started winning the battle!

Hebrews 1:14 

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve (to render service) those who will inherit salvation?”

Psalms 34:7

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”

The angels of God are spirits to render service for those who are saved!

Here is the point :

The battle is won because what he was doing physically with his body

The bible says for us to raise up our hands and worship God !

But many people say : I don’t like , I don’t have to do that !

I don’t need to humble myself, or to go to my knees for the Lord !

Other say : I don’t need go to Church , I can seek God at Home ! I don’t need go to every church’s meeting !

I don’t need to Fast , I don’t need to pray ,……

The Truth is : Physical Obedience brings Spiritual release !

Psalm 63:4  “I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.”

1 Timothy 2:8  “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling;”

Psalm 122:1

“I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

This is a physical obedience : To Cheer , to to rejoice going to the House of the Lord !

Psalm 149:2-3 , Psalm 30:11-12

Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King. Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.”

The Bible says : rejoice , celebrate , “Shout for joy to the Lord.”

Praise him with dancing !

This is a commandment, ordinance, but many christians say : I don’t like , I don’t want , I don’t need to do ,

Others say:  I don’t feel good doing that  ! It’s Not for you , it’s for God ! It’s To Please God !

Many people are in church for years , but they do not have experiences with God !  Because no physical obedience !

When you began to fast and pray you release Gods supernatural forces of Heaven !

In 2010 i had a wonderful experience with God – when an angel visited me .

I was on my knees, crying to God , praying , worshiping God and He was sent to me !

Remember : Physical Obedience brings Spiritual release , Favour , Spiritual Power , Health ,protection , healings , miracles , Deliverance, salvation and blessings.

More you seek God more you have Angelical protection!

In the modern church we have reduced everything down to feelings and intellect and not to a physical actions

I feel that I don’t need to raise up my hand , I feel that I don’t need to dance to the Lord !

I fell that I love the Lord and worship Him from inside.

Or I don’t have to clap my hands , I don’t have to raise my hands , I don’t have to stand to my feet , I don’t have to dance physically with my body…..

Many says : God knows my heart ! I have faith in my heart ! I don’t need a physical act to show my love to God.

Exemple :

If you are married and say to your wife or husband that you love her or him from inside , but never show from outside,  don’t show with your body , physically,

She /He are going to question you ? Do you love me ?

Fasting is one of the acts of obedience!

We should express our love to God physically.

There is a difference between the Love of God and The Favour of God !

God loves the world , God loves you ,

There is nothing you can do in order for love you more !

There is nothing you can do that makes him to Love you less

His love is full , his love is free and it’s your !

But :

The favour of God comes with obedience ! It didn’t come to your life until you do certain things !

You can not buy God’s favour , but you can not have without sacrifice !

The increase of favour comes with obedience and sacrifice !

Jeremiah 29:13

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

God loves you – but if you wants to find Him you need to seek Him !

You are not going to find Him because He loves you !

But many people are lazy, they don’t want to seek God , they don’t want to go to the meetings , don’t want to pray , don’t want to fast – but they want Gods favour !

Daniel 10:2-3

“At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food ( no pleasant food , no fancy food)  ; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.”

If you read Daniel 1 you are going to see that Daniel was eating  Vegetables and water and he fasted pleasant food.

He made a vow, he was fasting , prying, seeking God ,

When Daniel was in this tree weeks of fasting an angel came !

Daniel 10:10 , 11

Suddenly “A hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees.

11 He said, “Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, ( highly beloved) consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I have now been sent to you.” And when he said this to me, I stood up trembling.”

Daniel didn’t eat desirable food , pleasant food , but an Angel came and said : you are highly beloved by God

The love of God is fully free , and it’s yours , but the favour of God doesn’t come to your life until you do certain things that get Gods attention!

The increase of God’s favour comes with obedience and sacrifice!

Daniel said : I ate no pleasant Food , no choice food , no fancy food , no desirable food !

But the result , at end of his fasting, God says  : You are highly esteemed, you are highly beloved, you have my favour !

Daniel didn’t eat desirable food but He become desirable by God

Daniel’s history is a history of favour

Daniel 10:12

“Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.”

The Angel said : because you keep fasting , because you humbled yourself , your Words were heard ! Your prayers were heard

and I have come in response to them.” The Angel came in response of Daniel obedience

There is the connection between the physical action in here and the Spiritual power that is released

When you offer your body as a living sacrifice- God release his favour ! Let’s see it

Romans 12:1

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”


Lets offer your body as a living sacrifice !

Because this is a true and proper worship.

When you offer your body in obedience you’re pleasing God

When you lift up your hand you’re worshiping God

When you dance before God you’re offering your body as a living sacrifice

When you comes to church you’re offering a living sacrifice !

When you are fasting , praying – You’re offering your body as a living sacrifice !

Physical obedience brings spiritual power ,

Physical obedience brings healing , salvation , blessings !

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