Fellowship with The Holy Spirit

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” 2 Corinthians 13:14

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”

Genesis 1:1-3

The Holy Spirit was in the creation, He was hovering over the waters He came when it was dark but the Holy Spirit only moved when there was light.

Both Christian and unbeliever have the Holy Spirit with them , every person who doesn’t know the Lord has the Holy Spirit with them.

The Holy Spirit is the One who convince and convict us from sin (John 16:8)

That’s why Jesus told His disciples:

The Holy Spirit is with you but He will be in you.

John 14:17

Also after His resurrection and before He goes to heaven Jesus says to his disciples :

“I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.””

Luke 24:49

What does that mean ? People who don’t know God , the Holy Spirit is always around every person, even unbelievers , just like He was in the dark , when the earth was formless and empty.

But the Holy Spirit waits for the light, and Jesus is the light of the world. The Holy Spirit waits for Christ to be accepted and once He’s accepted, the Holy Spirit goes to work.

The Holy Spirit came and started to move because the light came.

When Jesus comes into my life the Holy Spirit starts moving and starts to do something that is supernatural and impossible.

He goes from being with you to live in you. He begins to have a relationship with you.

The Holy Spirit wants to come , rest , live,  dwell and operate through you , not because you are good but because Christ died on the cross.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”

2 Co 13:14

Let’s breaks this down:

Before there can be communion there must be Grace and Love

1- The Grace of the Lord Jesus

Jesus has Grace to offer , abundant and amazing Grace.

He gives us Grace but Grace is not an excuse to sin , it’s a power that allows us to overcome sin.

Some Christians are living a sinful life and they claim I’m living in the grace.

Whoever the Grace of Jesus is not mercy. Mercy keeps me away from what I deserve. Grace gives me what I don’t deserve.

Many Christians have not embraced Grace and they don’t know the Grace of God because their prayers and expectations is only at the level of Mercy.

But Jesus has more than Mercy , He has Grace for you  and Grace that you do not deserve, it’s a credit in your account.

Jesus gave us Grace , but the Father says : I also have a gift for you !

2- The Love of God : John 3:16 For God so loved the world.

He not just loved , but so loved us ,even before you became a Christian, before you surrendered ,  He so loved you already.

Can you imagine how much He loves me, now that I’m his child ?!

The love of God is the foundation for everything, and because He loved us He sent Jesus to save us.

3- The Fellowship with The Holy Spirit

Jesus said I’m going to give you Grace , the Father said : I’m going to give you Love but the Holy Spirit says: I still have something too. I have yet another gift for you !

The Grace is the gift of Jesus , the Love is the gift to the Father and the Holy Spirit has communion and fellowship.

Fellowship is different from prayer. Prayer is when you ask, prayer is when you create supplication, intercession, when we bring thanksgiving, praise , and worship.

Fellowship is different. Fellowship is always done among friends. Fellowship is not when one person talks and talks and the other listen. This is not fellowship.

If just you speak and He cannot talk back you are not in fellowship.

I’m not talking about praying to the Holy Spirit. We pray to the Father in Jesus name and this is prayer.

But bible says that we have fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I never pray to the Holy Spirit , I pray to God , in Jesus name but I talk to the Holy Spirit.

Actually the Bible says the Holy Spirit will help us pray , He will help us worship Jesus.

You should have Fellowship and talk with the Holy Spirit.

You can change your life as you have communion with the Holy Spirit. We actually can talk to the Holy Spirit every day.

How can you have fellowship if just one person is talking?  It is not possible!

The Holy Spirit has a gift for you and it’s not only the gift of tongues , power , miracles , it’s the gift of relationship.

Watch this verse very carefully once again:

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”

You will have what with who ? What does it say ? Fellowship with who?

With YOU all , stop disqualifying yourself because you don’t have a ministry, The Holy Spirit has a gift for us all.

You don’t disqualify yourself from the Grace because you don’t have a ministry.

You don’t disqualify yourself from the Love of God because you are not a preacher , pastor or life group leader.

Yet , somehow, the relationship with the Holy Spirit its neglected. But the bible says relationship with the Holy Spirit is for all of us.

If you have fellowship with Him , He can Help you in any circumstance, because He is our helper, or councillor.

Years ago , I was the manager of company and there were plenty of times  when I was in troubles,  I didn’t know what to do or what decision to take.

When I found myself in doubt, I would ask the Holy Spirit and He many of times would give me the answer.

I experienced many miracles as result of this fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I have even lost things, like wallet or documents and I have asked Him and He spoke to me and revealed where it was.

The communion or the fellowship with the Holy Spirit is what will change everything! Many know about grace and love but very few Christians practice communion with the Spirit.

Remember the previous message I gave : The Holy Spirit is God , He’s a person , He speaks , He has his own will , He gives direction, and He is the only One  from Trinity who is on earth today and he lives in you,  but the point is: do you have fellowship with Him?

I have 2 nephews living in my house with me. They physically live with me. But there are some days of the week I don’t talk to them, because I have such a busy life.

I wake up at 5:30 they are still asleep , I return home and they are studying and so we don’t see each other. Sometimes we don’t talk even though we live in my house. I don’t see them but they live in my house.

Sometimes this is our relationship with the Holy Spirit ! Legally He lives in us , we are not enemies, we like each other , you received the Holy Spirit in your life but you have no communion with Him.

He waits to be wanted, longs to be welcomed. He needs to be hosted. Many people invite the Holy Spirit, but few know how to host Him.

To start fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit we must first see Him as a person. If you want to walk in the Holy Spirit, start by talking to the Holy Spirit.

Throughout the day welcome Him, thank Him and worship Him. You should not feel guilty for not spending time with the Holy Spirit but you should feel thirsty. He wants relationship, not rules.

When you fellowship with the Holy Spirit, start by developing an awareness of the fact that He is with you, then turn your attention to Him and then lift your hearts with affection towards Him.

The Holy Spirit is hosted by surrender. All Christians have the same Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit does not have all the Christians the same way.

Every Christian has the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit does not have every Christian!

Every Christian has relationship with Holy Spirit but not every one has intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

We receive the Holy Spirit when we were saved , the Holy Spirit gets us by surrender.

“Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”

Galatians 5:16

The bible says that you must walk in the Spirit. Your physical birth gives you legs but walking requires practice, mentors and time.

Salvation gives you Holy Spirit but walking in him takes time, practice, and mentors.

To walk in Holy Spirit you need to talk to Holy Spirit.

He is not a force but a friend . He is not tongues,He is not fire, dove, oil or manifestation but a person that lives inside of you and as a person He can be grieved and so the Bible warns us : don’t grieve the Holy Spirit.

To walk in the Holy Spirit you need to talk with the Holy Spirit and  When I walk – I will not fulfil lust of the flesh.

The only way for you to overcome sin is walking in the spirit .

When I walk in the Spirit fruit is developed as result of intimacy (Gal.5:22,23,25)

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

Galatians 5:22,23,25

Love, patience, joy , peace , kindness , gentleness, self control is developed in your life as you have fellowship, Communion and  intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

When we born again we became the temple of the Holy Spirit. Paul the apostle said,

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

I Corinthians 6:19-20

The Holy Spirit address is your location , the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. In fact your own body becomes His house.

When Jesus saves us , He prepares a place for us in heaven ,  but also Jesus says to the Holy Spirit , I got you a room in their hearts.

Salvation doesn’t only get me a place in heaven , salvation makes me a place for the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is not just looking to get me to heaven, He is looking to bring Holy Spirit inside. Holy Spirit is looking for a body. Holy Spirit is looking for someone to live in , to inhabit and to have fellowship.

Salvation makes you a place for the Holy Spirit. You’re his temple, His house. You can live in the same house but not in intimacy relationship.

Our life is like an old house that has many things to be fixed. He is the only one who can help you to fix your life.

For example He can fix your mouth, (maybe you speak bad words or gossip about others live)

He can help you with impatience , (you fight others, get angry easily) ,

He can help your lack of self control.

Some of you have physical problem and He can help you because He loves you , He is for you , He knows your soul , your body, your mind and your spirit inside out.

Things that you don’t know how to fix, things that are broken and  you have already consulted councillors , you have confessed your mistakes but you’re still broken.

When you have a relationship, fellowship with Him, I can assure you : He can change you ! And heal you!

The Holy Spirit knows you because He built you and He will help to restore you , He will help rebuild you and He will be with you until the very end.

That is His relationship with you ! What transform us is our Communion with The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit belongs to you , the same way Grace belongs to you , the same way Love belongs to you , please do not ever disqualify yourself , because you’re so special to God , you’re so dear to God , He loves you so much.

He is giving you His amazing Grace , He’s giving you His great Love and the Holy Spirit is giving you a gift of friendship, relationship, communion and walking with you through your life.

He wants to live with you , He wants to help you.

God bless you