Introduction explaining the miracle of Israel existing today by the power of the Lord.
After Jesus died the Messianic Jews suffered the Diaspora and now 2000 years later we have Messianic Jews again in Israel.
when Daniel was young it was near 300 messianic Jews and now are over 30.000.
We are living in a fallen World. And everything that is wrong and not according to God’s will is what people think it is cool nowadays.
We were surrounded by 40 million Arab armies and we had no army, no tanks, nothing and we won the 6 days war by the grace of God.
Ez. 36:33-36 – the restoration of the Land of Israel. The nations will know that God is the one who is building the State of Israel. Is an economic miracle.
Ireland is 3,5 times bigger than Israel. Israel is a very small country.
They had many wars without expect from Lebanon, Syria… And they were civilians fighting against armies.
They are also an economic miracle because they could receive the refugees (Holocaust survivors) and doubled and tripled their population and managed to build houses, hospital, work places, highways… This is a miracle. It is not by our power, it is impossible.
Sometimes God makes gradual miracles. Sometimes God uses only the natural circumstances but this time he did not, it’s all a miracle.
Mt.24 – last days will be days as Noah – people is getting married and so on and won’t realize the relationship with God is falling down. They refused to recognize the sign of what Noah was building and today they refuse to recognize the miracle of the State of Israel.
No nation survived when was scattered around the world. Jesus died not only because of the Jews but also because of the Romans and FOR the Jews, Greeks etc.
And it was because of my sin.
So it’s a miracle that we have a non-spoken language for many years being used again. We have a Hebrew Bible nowadays.
70% of Americans say that believe in the Bible and in Israel only 5%. This shows the great apostasy.
Hands of Faith
God talk to us in the Old Testament by pictures.
Ex 17: 8-16
V. 1-7 (I, Daniel, spent 4 years in this place when I was in the army, it is a very dry place.) They arrived in this place and people started to complain to Moses.
The fact that they were complaining shows the lack of faith and the spiritual situation, with invites the devil (Amalek is a figure of the devil) and Egypt means the slavery to sin (Rm.6.20 we were all slaves to sin before we repent to Jesus).
They were 40 years (a generation) free of slavery in the desert. On their way to the Promised Land and here the enemy comes. If he cannot hold you in slavery, he will try to hold you on the way to do not arrive in heaven. But to God belongs the victory and as long as our faith is strong in Jesus we have the victory.
Hb. 10:1 – here is a shadow (picture) that I want you to see:
They were fighting against Amalek and when Moses was raising up his hands Israel was winning, and when his hands were getting tired Aaron and Hur were holding his hands.
V. 12- his hands were steady. This is the key to unfold this secret. His hands were Emunah (faith in Hebrew). When faith is up, there is victory, when faith is coming down tired we lose. Faith in Hebrew is the same word used for “solid”, “strong”.
So Moses kept his hands up all day and they won. Amalek never came back to fight against Israel from the front anymore, but from the back, to get the weak ones. This is their strategy.

And people of Israel were complaining again and letting behind, and these were the ones who the Amalekites where looking for, and they could get those who were complaining.
Moses was sitting on the Rock. Faith on Adonai Nissi, God is my banner. Rod- He was pointing up saying God is my banner.
Why Rock? For one side we have to hold up. But in the word of God Jesus is our Rock and He keeps us up. We need to rely on Him.
The hill means the place of prayer.
John 3:14,15 / Nm. 21:8,9 – (pole in Hebrew is Nes= banner)
Jesus was said that He would be put on the cross like a Nes, the cross is the pole.
The cross is an altar. When we give our lives to Jesus and decide to walk after him and he promises to be with us.
Picture Moses- there were 6 hands in total
V. 18 when you have 2 or 3 witnesses this is stablished in the heaven. The same number. We bind in the name of Jesus.

Eph.6- our war is not against people but the spiritual forces.
We need to know the word of God, if we don’t know it we can have the full armour but our sword will be very small. And we cannot overcome the enemy.
Ex17:14 -right after the battle God says to Moses write about it and make sure to Joshua hears about it. This is the first Holy Scripture delivered from heaven to humankind, before the 10 commandments. But it was a word about destruction.
I John – God is God of Love.
But he also gives a message of destruction.
Because he is a God of love.
Gn 2:7 God breath into man life. This is the intimacy. This shows the love of God.
Gn.3 when Adan sins he hides from God and God was looking for him.
John 14:15 – how God understands love – through obedience.
God loves Adan and was expecting his love.
Gn. 3 God prophecies
Moses- the picture of children of Israel coming from Egypt and Amalek was trying to stop it. So he said to Moses write it down that God would destroy Amalek.
Ex 17:16 – there is a hand lifted up on the throne of God.
At the end Jesus will come back and fight this battle.
Ex 17 V. 8-16 There are 7x the word “hand” in these verses.
6 is the number of man and 7 is the number of perfection and completing. This is a real fulfilment. The hand of God, Jesus (6x is the hand of men and the 7th is the hand of God).
Jesus died to take out our death that is a consequence of our sin.
Jesus has become cursed in our place.
Jesus hang on the cross, so we can receive his blessings. He took our sickness, so we can receive his healing.
But all of this through faith. It is a long battle.
Our battle is a long battle and if we want to overcome we need to stay together. Walk in obedience, encourage one another. Hb. 10.25 – we need to encourage one another.