Holy Spirit Series [Part 5]

Walking with The Holy Spirit: A Path to Freedom

“Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”

Galatians 5:16 NKJV


Why Am I preaching about the Holy Spirit? Because the Church started under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and they made history with the Holy Spirit.

Nowadays though, the Holy Spirit is probably the least understood person of the Trinity. It is vital for the church to know the Holy Spirit, learn to relate to Him, and understand how He manifests Himself.


Most of the historic churches around the world are declining because they don’t have a relationship with the Holy Spirit or because they received wrong teachings about the Holy Spirit. Also, many Christians inside churches have defeated spiritual lives because they have no relationship with the Holy Spirit or don’t know Him.


Communion and fellowship with the Holy Spirit is what will change everything in your life. 


Many know about the grace and love of God but very few Christians practice communion with the Holy Spirit.


Remember: The Holy Spirit is God, He’s a person, He speaks, He has his own will, He gives direction, and He is the only One from the Trinity who is on earth today and lives in you. However, the question remains, do you have fellowship with Him?


Did you know that the primitive Church did not have the Bible like you have it now (New Testament), but instead they had the Holy Spirit.

Today I want to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit over sin because He can help us and give us power to overcome sin.


We believe that when Jesus died, He defeated sin, and when He rose back to life, He defeated death.


Death was our strongest enemy, one that no one had ever been able to defeat; but when Jesus Christ died, His death defeated our sin, and by His resurrection, the strongest, oldest, and most powerful enemy of all time was defeated!

And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:17


In fact, the disciples witnessed the resurrection of Jesus because they saw Him dead on the cross, they put His dead body down in the tomb and 3 days after they saw Him again, risen from death! The risen Jesus talked to them, ate with them and gave the last instruction before leaving again.

I’m going to the Father, but I’m sending you The Holy Spirit, He is going to help you and He is going to live inside you and you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.


Let’s read Romans 8:11

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Romans 8:11


Beloved ones, the good news is: just as Jesus overcame death by the power of the Holy Spirit, so can we experience the same.

Our life doesn’t end at death, the Bible says we are going to be raised from the dead just like Christ.

He was first who got raised, but we will also be raised one day.

We will have a glorious, new bodies which will experience no fear, no pain, no cry, no tear and no death.


Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.’’ Do you believe this?  John 11:25-26


Jesus said: resurrection is not just an event; resurrection is a person and that person is Jesus Christ!

That means you don’t have to wait until you physically die to experience resurrection.

If there are things that have died in your life, you can experience resurrection!


Maybe you have things that died: in your marriage, maybe in your health, in your finances, in your family. 


You can experience Jesus’ resurrection today, when you experience Jesus Christ.

That’s why we believe in healing, because resurrection is something that Jesus continues to do by resurrecting our health, resurrecting our dreams, resurrecting our relationships, resurrecting our peace, resurrecting our sanity, resurrecting our ability to make good decisions, resurrecting our freedom from drugs, alcohol, cigarettes.

God is the God of resurrection and resurrection starts today!

There can be no resurrection if there is no death and there can be no death if there is no sin.

The only reason Jesus was raised from the dead was because He died. The reason Jesus died is because Jesus had all of the sins of humanity placed on Him.

Sin brings death.


For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23


My beloved ones God’s gift to us is not religion, God’s gift to us is not Christianity. Because you can find Christianity and not find life.

A lot of churches that you go into are dead.

That’s why God didn’t come to give you religion, He came to give us life.

That’s why we, as a Church, we focus on life, eternal life. Life on earth is good but eternal life is much better.

That’s the reason you need to do your best for God and His Kingdom,  you need to live your life here focusing on and investing your time, money, gifts and talents on God’s eternal kingdom.


“For the wages of sin is death” 


Sin is the cause of all evil in this world. Sin is the reason people kill each other, sin is the cause of marriage and families break-up.

The problem in Ireland, Europe, America, Brasil and indeed the problem with humanity is sin. 


The only way to remove sin from our lives is through repentance and through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.


Sin is responsible for the destruction of our society. Sin is responsible for people dying earlier than they should.

Sin is responsible for dreams being crushed.

Sin is the reason why people’s marriage are falling apart. We can blame each other but the root of it is a selfish desire to do what I want and only serving me, myself and I.

Sin is the reason why there is so much fighting within families.

Sin is the reason why your kids don’t obey you.

Sin is the reason why your spouse is always angry or watching porn.


Sin is something that is so easy to see in other people. But when we look to ourselves we became blinded.


Parents ask their children, why did you lie to me? You should not lie! But when an undesired someone comes to your door you tell to your children, ‘tell them I’m not home’.

We see sin in other people but we are blind when it comes to sin in ourselves.


We see sin in everybody except in ourselves, because when it comes to ourselves we don’t call it sin, we call it mistakes, weaknesses.

Mistake is when I have to take left when driving at a specific street and since I don’t know the way I take the wrong turn.

But when you cheat on your spouse, when you live in arrogance and pride, criticizing people, gossiping about people, it’s no longer a mistake, that is disobedience to God, it is sin.

Weakness is a human, physical or emotional limitation such as diseases, fatigue, fears, insecurities or emotional vulnerabilities.

Weakness is not drinking myself to sleep every single night. That’s not a weakness; that’s a choice and that’s is sin.


The bible talks about the wages of sin, which does not only destroy our society but it destroys us. The bible says the consequence and the wages of sin is death.


Sin is work. How many of you know that you don’t get your wages if you don’t work?

Do you know why sinners are going to hell? Because they worked for it!


What would happen if your boss didn’t give you your pay at the end of the week?

Would you call him a good boss?

If a boss does not give you your due wages after you’ve worked so hard you would say he isn‘t fair, you would think he is mean.


Do you know why sinners are going to hell?

Sin is work and if we don’t want its wages then why are we working so hard for it?


The problem with sin is not only the fact that it destroys you but that it also destroys people around you.

So, what can you do? Jesus has paid your debts at the cross;

What should you do now?

I’m quitting the job of sinning, I’m quitting smoking, I’m quitting the job of drinking, I’m quitting the job of living in pride and arrogance, I’m quitting the lazy life, I’m quitting the job of being religious, I’m quitting the job of sin, I’m turning my back to the devil and my face toward God and I’m following Jesus Christ.


What happens when you resign, when you say, Lord I quit, Lord I give up, Lord, forgive me.What happens after that?


God gives you the gift of salvation and forgiveness.


This forgiveness is of free access to all but it doesn’t come without a cost from God. God gave up His son to give you this free gift of forgiveness.

You need to know how much it cost Him to forgive you.


By forgiveness and repentance, I’m free from my sin


But God not only forgives you your transgression, He says: I’m also going to send The Holy Spirit to help you repair your character, to repair your soul from the abuse that you’ve experienced growing up.


The Holy Spirit comes to live in us. When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit doesn’t live in us to makes us better than our friends, He makes us a better version of ourselves! He makes us better than ourselves!


The Holy Spirit came to make me better than I used to be.


Not only God forgives you but He sends The Holy Spirit and He will help you with the damages, He will help restore you, and make you the best you can be!


Maybe you’ve never known a day without emotional pain, but He says: I will make you better. Maybe you’ve never known a future that’s full of hope and optimism but He says: I will make you better.


Why? Because The Holy Spirit comes in us to repair the damage sin has caused.


When the Holy Spirit comes to live in us, He doesn’t only repair us, He repairs the damage around us. As He changes us, we make a difference in the world.

When you accept Jesus Christ, you accept the Holy Spirit inside you.


My message for you today is, Jesus paid the price for all of your sins at the cross.

Whatever consequences of sin you are facing today, don’t accept it. Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to change it.


You will only have a victorious life if you have an intimate and personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

You will only be able to overcome sin and live a life that pleases God if you walk in the Spirit and live in communion with Him.


So let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.


May the Grace of our Lord Jesus and the Love of God and the Fellowship of The Holy Spirit be with you all !