Make your life count!

Do you have any life goals ?

What are your dreams ?

What do you want to achieve by the end of 2018 ?

What are your goals for the next 5 years ?  Or 10 years ?

What are your plans or dreams for the final years of your life ?

How do you want your live to end ?

If you have any goals or any dreams you will never get anywhere!

Hellen Keller said : The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no vision ! (No dream)

Psalm 37:4-5 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:”

If you take delight in the Lord – He will give you the desires of your heart !

Genesis 37:5 , 19 , 20 “Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.”

““Here comes that dreamer!” they said to each other. “Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.””

Joseph was 17 years old when God gave him a world changing dream !

God has a dream for every person . whoever you are , wherever you are , God has a dream for your life !

God matter with your dreams , it doesn’t matter the size of your dream.

A dream that you have for a business, for a college education, a dream to serve God in the ministry , for your children , or maybe

a house wife – you’re pouring your life into your child , and your dream is that your child would be great ! That is a good Godly dream !

And God cares about your dream.

When God wants to bless you , He gives you light ! The bible said God is Light !

When God wants to bless you He will give you light!

God can open eyes to that dream and allow you to see who you could be and what you could do.

When I say a dream it means you can see it !

God just turns on the light and suddenly you see who you could be ,  What you could do and it inspires you , fires you up .

When you don’t have a dream you are in darkness, you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re confused!

When you have this light  about your dream , it changes you , it affects how you talk , how you think , and how you live .

One of the greatest blessings that can come to your life is when God turns on the light and you see it !

My brothers , what I’m doing , I saw myself preaching, I saw myself pastoring !

When God show it to you is powerful thing !

People who are leaders always have great dream , they’re thinking ahead , they are planning ahead !

It’s a dream that drives you !

Don’t be a dream killer , specially to your children! Let God turn on the light and show them the possibilities

Ralph Erskine

It’s possible for you to do all things through Christ strengthening you !

One man one day dreamed to have a Telephone to speak long distance! Then we started with the old telephone and now we have smartphones because someone dreamed about it !

Someone said : the difference between cell phones and people is :

Cell phones are getting thinner and smarter! 😬

1- A dream will distinguish you .

When God gives you a dream it will make you stand out .

When God gives you a dream it will mark you ,  it will make you different from other people .

Because your dream It gonna give direction for your life .

If you have a dream to serve God , to be used by God you need to be different from others .


if you don’t have a dream hang on with someone who does have a dream — because you will get fat off the crumbs from their table !

There is something about when you hang around other dreamers  – you can get a dream

but some of you hang around a bunch of losers and you will never be or do anything of significance,

so get around people who have a dream and then you will begin to see what you can be and what you can do !

2- Dreams release your potential , they release you to grow !

Did you know  that some people they have shark in their aquarium ?

The amazing thing is if you put a Shark in the aquarium it will only grow to a 8 inches (21cm)  , but if you put in the Pacific Ocean it will grow 8 feet (2,5 metre) or more.

The point is simply this : the shark will never grow larger than his environment and the same is true about you !

If all you do – is stay in a little narrow-minded , in a mud puddles of small thinking you will never grow any bigger !

We come in this place (Cell Meeting / Church ) and we serve a big God , a mighty God and we have to dream !

and some of you it’s time to get out the mud puddle and get into lake , and some of you need to get out from lake to the ocean and swim and let God grow you , and let God expand you , and let God release your potential!

3- When you have a dream it will encourage you !

Dream brings encouragement, joy to peoples life , gives you excitement, it encourages you ,

The people who are depressed , the people who are discouraged are the people who do not have a dream !

Because when you have a dream it makes you get up in the morning, it makes you put your clothes and go to work

because you have got a dream and a dream has a power to encourage you

4 – A dream will motivate you !

It’s like a nuclear energy in your soul when you get a dream —— and your energy will be in proportion to your dream

Example 1

They did a study recently and they studied people who retired early

And every time they found that people who retired early with nothing to do , or they had nothing to do !

They 3 years later went to a decline in health, they had nothing to excite them , nothing to motivate them , nothing to challenge them.

Exemple 2

In Germany they did a study  with 2 different groups of rats

The first-  they toke rats and they feed the rats and the rats didn’t have anything to do to get their food , just eat it

They took another group of rats and they give them the food but  they change the place of the Food and so the rats had to face the challenge and the difficulty of trying to get to their food every day

And they compared the two and the rats that had to get , go through the maze to get to their food lived many time more longer

Because they had a goal , they had to solve problems to get to the food !

My point to you is :  If you don’t have a goal , if you don’t have something to stimulate your brain , if you don’t have something to keep you sharp and focused , if you don’t have challenges you won’t stay alive .

I don’t care how old you are ! I don’t care who you are.You need a dream !

Dreams motivate us , they energise us , they fire us up !

Some of you need to understand that a dream is what you need !

You don’t need small fish in your tank with you , some of you don’t like strong leadership! You need a shark in your tank to keep you alive , to keep you moving ,

What are you doing ? Are you reaching any goals ?

We want it easy , we don’t want to do anything but God is a God who wants to give  you a dream that drives you !

Dreams problems are the best problems

Listen : Jesus said : in life you gonna have problems !

If you don’t do nothing , you are not gonna have problems

But if you have got a dream you gonna have problems !

I’d rather create my problems and move toward my dream and have to deal with my problems that are getting me to my dream then do nothing!

So either way you’re gonna have problems!

Dream problems are the best problems!

So get a dream !

Excuses are the crutches of the uncommitted.

There’s always a reason to quit !

  • Ray Kroc was 54 years old , when he left his sales job in Chicago and started a Hamburg chain called MacDonalds. He was 54 years old ! 4 yours old than me when he started dreaming !
  • Moses was 80 years old when the angel spoke to him through the burning bush. So Moses would have been eighty when God called him.
  • Colonel Sanders was 65 years old when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken ! KFC


We ought to have a dream , no matter how old you are

And you’re thinking about giving up on life because your dreams haven’t come true ?

You and I are in the best days of our lives !

Example:  The movie Saving Private Ryan . (War movie from 2 World War )

Two of the brothers are killed in the same family .

There is one brother fighting in Germany .

They make a call and they say : that’s to much for any parent, any mother to deal with loosing all 3 children .

So go and get soldier Ryan and bring him home to his mother

and they send a whole unit to find him and bring him home .

This guys get blown to pieces , they all give their lives and die killed by the Germans trying to protect one man to get him home .

They all give their lives – so private Ryan can live .

In the final scene of the movie as Tom Hanks who’s that the commander of that unit .

He’s was shot fatally and he’s laying on a bridge, bleeding and he was dying and He grabs Ryan hand , pulls him down and he says :

Make your life count / make it worth it !

All these guys including me have given our life and died !

Do something with your life that is significant!  Do something good with your life !

How Jesus must look at a generation that’s wasting their life’s

Living a life for nothing! Wasting their time ! Today people has no time for God , no time

Maybe Jesus wants to grab you , pull you close to him and say : Do something significant with your life

You need to have a purpose, you need to have a dream !

Most likely our dream are selfish and for our own prosperity!

There is a dream that drives you !

God has a dream that will distinguish you , and release your gifts and cause you to receive energy,

God has dreams for you ! He can change your life ,  he can give you direction, change your family, change your life , change your future !

The first thing He wants you to do is for you to surrender your life completely to him !