Make your life count – Part 2

When there is no hope in the future – there is no power in the present !

This power that moves our lives come from the Holy Spirit!

And the Holy Spirit are gonna give you a dream that drives you.

Act 2:17 ““ ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

When you are under the influence of the Holy Spirit you will have a dream !

You will have a vision , You will see it , You will say it .

You will began to speak powerful positive words about your future !

You need to stand and say to yourself and everybody around you :

It will come to pass

We will double this church , we will have a big building church with many pastors , missionaries and churches over Ireland /Europe

We will get our family saved

We will build strong marriages , strong families

My children belong to the Lord and they gonna serve the Lord.

You need to see and you need to say it.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, (revelation) the people cast off restraint (stumble)

In another others = the people became lacks , they become loose , they become lazy

they lose their commitment – because they have no vision , no dream

There is nothing more dangerous than a dreamless life .

The only thing that is worse than not reaching your dream is never having a dream.

Those who succeed are the ones who get under influence of the Holy Spirit and get his dream for their life .

Genesis 37:5 , 19 , 20 “Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.”
““Here comes that dreamer!” they said to each other. “Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.””

To remember last Sunday preaching…..

Joseph was 17 years old when God gave him a world changing dream !

God has a dream for every person . whoever you are , wherever you are , God has a dream for your life !

1- A dream will distinguish you

When God gives you a dream it will mark you ,  it will make you different from other people

2- Dreams release your potential , they release you to grow !

3- When you have a dream it will encourage you !

Dream brings encouragement, joy to peoples life , gives you excitement, it encourages you

4 – A dream will motivate you !

energy will be in proportion to your dream. Dreams motivate us , they energise us , they fire us up !

5- There gonna be times when your circumstances are gonna be inconsistent with your dreams . 

There gonna be time that your circumstances are inconsistent your dreams !

Joseph had a dream and then .His brothers betrayed him. His brothers attached him . He was thrown in to a pit. He was put in prison , He was locked up ! He was deceived

That was inconsistent with his dream……. and in those moments you have 2 choices:

1) you can reduce you life to your present circumstances/ give up on it !

2) or you can believe that through God your life will catch up with your dream If you won’t quit and won’t give up

Never allow circumstances to change the dream God has put in your heart !  Never !!!

6- Dreams will demand integrity

Joseph teaches us this …..

When God started raising him up in Potiphar’s house . He got around the wives of Egypt . And Miss Potiphar put on small dress ! I’m sure it was showing lots of leg , lots of upper extremities and she was walking in and trying to seduce him !

She started hitting on Joseph !

But Joseph kept his faithfulness to God !

Attention :

If Joseph had gone to bed with Potiphar s wife, his dream would not come true, he would never sit on the throne as Governor of Egypt

A dream will require morality and integrity !

The higher God raises you up — the more careful you have to be so that you not use that position to take advantage of people that look up to you !

7- Help others with their dream while you wait for your dream to come true .

He helped the butler with his dream

He helped the baker with his dream

He helped Pharaoh with his dream

My question to you is : Who are you helping with their dream !

Ephesians 6:8 “because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do,

Whatever you do for others –  you will receive this back from the Lord

Who are you helping fulfil their dream ?

Because if nothing is happening with your dream – it is a sign you need to help somebody else with their dreams

Some people had dream in the past , but not now ! There is a tragedy when you lose your dream ….

If you ever had a dream and lost the dream – 2 things will happen to you :

You will be diminished or you will shrink !

Churches that do not have a vision begin to shrink !

The only thing that distinguishes one Church from another, one ministry from another is if they have a vision , a dream and they are willing and courageous enough to step out and do what God says to do .

This is not a game ! I’m simply saying to you about your future.

If you don’t have a dream it’s a matter of time before you begin to shrink and to stink the smell of religion.

God is saying to you :

I want you dreaming my dreams !

If you have lost your dream recapture the dream that I have for your life !

3 things will destroy your dreams ……. dreams destroyers that cause people to lose hope and give up .

The  First thing that the enemy use is temporary circumstances

Temporary circumstance will destroy your dreams if you let them.

Maybe you’re going to a hard time , but don’t lose hope .

Don’t let your present situation to destroy your future .

Look to Joseph’s life when he was in prison !

Look to Moses life when he was running to the desert

Look to Jesus life when he was on the cross !

Don’t let temporary circumstances to destroy your dreams

The second thing is divine delays !

When doesn’t happen as quick as you think it ought to happen.

We live in a microwave generations / but we serve a crock pot God (clay pot)

If you’re not careful you will leave the Spirit and go back to the flesh !

Do you remember about Abraham and Sarah ? Because they didn’t wait they got a big problem with Ismael .

You better wait !

Wait on the Lord and He shall bring it to pass !

3) The 3 dream killer it’s the false evidence !

Joseph was betrayed, he suffered but 20 years later his brothers , the ones who tried to kill his dream have to bow down to what they tried to kill !

Those who tried to kill your dream are going to come back and they have to bow down !

But , when they come back do not kill them !

Let’s be like Joseph, let’s be kind to them

Say as Joseph said : you meant it for my evil but God meant it for my God !

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

What are your dreams ?

If you have any goals or any dreams you will never get anywhere!

What are your plans or dreams for the final years of your life ?

How do you want your live to end ?

Make your life count / make it worth it !

Do something with your life that is significant!  Do something good with your life !

If you are born again Christian , if you got baptised you need to use your life for the kingdom of God , not just for your dreams.

Most likely our dream are selfish and for our own prosperity!

How Jesus must look at a generation that’s wasting their life’s

Living a life for nothing! Wasting their time ! Today people has no time for God , no time to help people , no time for the kingdom of God , no time for prayer meeting , but they have time to work , to relax , to watch tv , for Internet , but not for the kingdom of God .

Maybe Jesus wants to grab you , pull you close to him and say : Do something significant with your life

You need to have a purpose, you need to have a dream !

God has a dream that will distinguish you , and release your gifts and cause you to receive energy,

The first thing He wants you to do is for you to surrender your life completely to him

God wants to raise you up and give you a dream , a vision a purpose, a plan for your life !