Preparing for the Miracle – Part 1

The bible is a book full of miracles , and we as a christians and Holy Spirit-filled believers in Christ Jesus should expect to see the supernatural as a normal course of life.

We have seen people in our Church  miraculously healed from physical illness ; delivered from strongholds of depression, demons,  drugs and sexual immorality; and  the greatest miracle we have seen is to be saved through faith in Christ.

If you have a hunger and thirst to know more of God, to understand the person of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, to live in the miraculous, and to join with a people who not only believe but experience the supernatural, then Shalom Church is a place for you !

Mark 6:30-52

This important event was mentioned on the 4 gospels when Jesus feed the multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish and after the disciples go to a great storm .

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”

Romans 15:4

This miracles in the bible was written to tech you how to receive a miracle !

Today we gonna see how the disciples go from one miracle to an storm / they go directly from Jesus feeding the 5,000 to the greatest test storm

The bible said there was 5,000 men besides women and children in a desert place , in desperate need of the word of God

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

This people in the desert , they didn’t have food but they had the word of God , Jesus was teaching!

They were starving , they had no food but they choose to listen Jesus than to go home to have food

This show they were hungry for the word of God

If you have hunger for the word of God , god will always supply your needs !

When the disciples came to Jesus and said let this people go because they are starving

Jesus said : they don’t need to depart ! They came for the word but I can give then the Word and Bread

Jesus said to then : What do you have ?

Point number  1: The miracle always begins with what you have !

When you recognize what you have , then God can multiply !

Is not you don’t have – you have to recognize what you have

The first key to receive my provision for your life is to recognize what you have !

doesn’t matter what kind storm or season you’re going trough, or facing !

Because when you recognize what you have , then God can multiply!

The bible says ironically that they not count the women and the children! ( says 5,000 men)

I said ironically because the one who they didn’t count was the one that God used to bring the miracle !

Notice something about your God : God uses this people that other people don’t count

God uses people that other people discount ,

God uses this people that other people say they are so unimportant , they even count , but this is the one who nobody count but he was the one who had the 5 loaves and 2 fish

Everybody discount, because he was just a kid with 5 slices bread and 2 fish and the one who nobody count was the one who God uses for the miracle.

This is the truth about our God : He counts people that other people discount

People may look at you as unimportant , with no value but God says:

I count people that other people don’t count  : What do you have ?

When you recognize what you have I can multiply it and remember that God count people that others don’t see anything worth counting in in

2nd point : prepare / organize your life for the miracle

when the Boy gave the bread and fish to Jesus / Jesus gave them a strange orientation.

Separate in groups of 50 / They had 5,000 man , plus women , plus children – a minimum of 15-20,000 people

Many people they want to receive miracle in their finances , but they have no organisation , they spend more than receive , they are not faithful in their tithes and offerings !

I know who are faithful with God in their tithes and they are prospering financially.

Think,  20,000 people , is more people then Monaghan population, and they had to separate in groups of 50

Around 400 groups of 50 people

Dis you realize how long it would take ?

The people were hungry, the haven’t eat all day , they were in the desert under the sun !

Why Jesus took so long hours to separating them in a small groups ?

Brother listen : sometimes the best miracles take time !

Sometimes we need to understand that God’s best miracles are not driven by need or necessity or hunger

When God is doing something big in your life , you can not  russ what God is doing.

That why the bible said you need Faith and Patience to receive to the promise of God

Hebrews 6:12, 15 “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”

Note : many people have faith but no patience, for you to receive God’s promise you need to wait patiently

One of the fruit of the spirit is Patience !

The best and great miracles of God take times !

I love to see miracles instantly ! I have seen many , but …..

Jesus look to the multitude and said we need to organise , to be in order for the miracle !

Jesus said to the people : You’re disorganised !

Organise your spiritual life , organise your family , organise your house and be prepared to receive the miracle and the blessing that God wants to give you .

Many time were saying : God bless me with more but we are mishandling what we have !

God doesn’t give you more according What you ask for ! He gives you more according What you can manage !

If you can not manage what you have got right now Why would God give you more !

You need to have structure to maintain the blessings that He want to pour into your life !

3rd point : Be always thankful for what you have

They brought Jesus the bread / They gave what they had / and Jesus took it and He blessed it !

He blessed (t) what was not enough!

He blessed 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and it was obvious that it was not enough to feed 5000 men , plus women, plus children- it was not enough!

But He gave thanks for what it was not enough!

When you learn to be grateful, to be thankful for what you have that is not enough, then God can begin to multiply not enough into more than enough!

Until you can be thankful for something that is not enough, you can not multiply into more than enough!

You’re not gonna see the multiplication as long as you are grateful

When you became thankful for what He has given you as little as it is ,

I don’t have everything that I wish I have but I’m thankful for what I have got !

That’s when the miracle starts !

Let’s continue next week ! (Part 2)