Preparing for the Miracle – Part 2

“Jesus did not do many miracles there, because the people did not believe in him.”  Matthew 13:58

Didn’t do many miracles in his home town where he grew up , because of their unbelief.  Unbelief prevent miracles!

I born again in Brasil when I was 18 years old and I grew up spiritually seeing miracles happening every week, people been healed from  , possessed people by demons being delivered in the name of Jesus and many people with destroyed lives been saved , because salvation is the greatest miracle of God !

I really believe that miracles have to be part of a normal Christian life !

The bible is a book full of miracles from the begging to the end !

Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today and forever!

Every single Christian should live a life expecting and experiencing the supernatural !

I spoke last week about this important event that was mentioned on the 4 gospels when Jesus feed the multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish and after the disciples go to a great storm .

Mark 6:30-52

Point number 1: The miracle always begins with what you have !

When you recognise what you have , then God can multiply !

2nd point : organise your life for the miracle

Organise your spiritual life , organise your family , organise your house and be prepared to receive the miracle and the blessing of God

3rd point : Be always thankful for what you have

When you’re thankful for what you have that is not enough, then God can multiply not enough into more than enough!

4th Next point : The blessing is in the breaking

The bible said when he took it and he Blessed , gave thanks for / nothing multiply , nothing had increased until he did something!

After He blessed it , He broke it !

When he broke it , started handing it to the disciples to distribute/

As He broke it He began to lose count !

The  point is : The blessing is in the breaking

It wasn’t until it was broken they it began to multiply

That means : those who refuse to be broken – refuse to be blessed !

It is in the breaking of life that produces the blessings of life

That is a spiritual law ! If God allows you to go trough breaking it is not to destroy you !

It is to bless you ! Because the breaking is what brings the blessings

Question : Have you ever thanked the Lord for every time He broke you ?

Every time he put you a season of brokenness ?

He wasn’t killing you , He was blessing you every time He was breaking you !

Deuteronomy 8:2 “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”

Every time you were rejected, every time you were disappointed , every time you’re unemployed , every time Suffering, every time you were told no , every time you’re heart was broken,  were in need , broken families , broken homes , broken hopes ,

The great blessings comes out from the hearts breaking!

That’s why we do not get discouraged!

We need to understand if God allowed me and you to go trough a season of brokenness he wants to treat with our heats !

It’s because we have a hard heart and we need to humble ourselves !

Listen me : If God is breaking you is because he’s going to bless you !

Do you believe that ?

If you believe praise Him ! Clap your hands and worship him if you believe!

He knows how to bless us out of the breaking !

Didn’t come until was broken , didn’t multiply , didn’t increase until it got broken !

What you’re struggling is what God is gonna use for the miracle and bless your life !

He feed the multitude trough the breaking process !

5th  point : God is going to use you to bless others

Jesus did not feed the multitude directly, He breaks it and gives to his disciples, his friends !

Jesus said : You go and feed them !

Notice that the blessings, passes trough your hand and not from your hands !

Many of you have been blessed by my voice

But I need teach you that the blessings that you have – doesn’t come from your hands but from Jesus hands , even you’re working , the money come not from you’re hands but from Jesus hands / because He is the one who give you life , strength for you to work !

This is the reason He says give back 10% , because I gave you 100 %

Be careful to give God any praise , glory because any blessings you’re participating in is not you’re doing !

It came from Jesus hand And flows to your hand !

6th  point : God always gives you more than enough

God is good in Maths , He has a book in the bible called Number ! He is good in numbers

If He wanted He could supplied the enough meal for the 5,000 men , and he knew how many women , how many children and he could multiply enough food for everyone and stop

He knew the exact number, but he purposely designed that they would have leftovers !

He could stop on the last person who was served the meal / But he chose to give then overflow!

God he never gives just enough for us !

God doesn’t want to give you enough!

One of God’s name in Hebrew is El Shaday – God Almighty but in the Jewish tradition El Shaday means more than enough, more than sufficient !

A GOD who’s name is more than enough will never stop at enough!

Why He give you more than enough? For you to share with others ! This is the reason we’re always together, sharing our food , our house , our love with others

He is a God of overflow , He wants to give you more than enough !

God says : my blessings is is greater than your capacity to

My blessing is not limited, Malachi said I will pour out my blessing that you won’t  have room to receive it !

He is a God of more than enough! He is not limited to the size of your container !

Because He wants to bless others trough you ! His blessings will flow trough you to the needy, to people who is in hard time , it will come trough your hand , not from your hand , because He is a God of abundance !

If you believe give Him a big shout of praise !

7th and Last point

Mark 6:42-43, 45 “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish.
45- Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd.”

After that miracle Jesus Made his disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side !

Some versions say : constrained, insisted , compelled

Jesus gave order to them , Jesus gave directions to them to go to the other side

They didn’t know – but Jesus was sending them directly to the path of the storm !

Is so important to understand- they were following divine instructions when they encountered the storm !

The enemy will say to you : This is judgment of God , God forgot you , forsake you

Jesus constrained them

Did you see that Jesus did with his disciples The same God did with the people of Israel :

Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.”

I’m here to say you : if you’re under storm God is in the control , and God does not intend for you to go down or to be destroyed but he intends for you to receive something in the storm !

Jesus wanted to show yo his disciples what they never gonna see on the shore !

Some of you are about to see things in the storms that others that are in the sunshine

When God allows you to go to a storm it’s not to destroy you !

It is to show you who He is in another dimension and level that you have never seen and move before !

If you believe give God a praise !

Why He give you more than enough? Why He performed some miracles in your life ?

Jesus give you 12 basketful , more than enough for the time that you are going to go to the storm!

To say : God is faithful, GOD can do it , God can make a way !

Some people when they get a medical report , when they get unemployed, when they are in need , get struggled with problem , or financial crises!!

Let remember you :

You didn’t have nothing when God found you ! He gave the job , He gave the opportunity if you go down He can give all back !

You’re power is not in what you are

He didn’t want you forget the miracles he did in the past !

For you to survive the storms of life you need to remember where God brought you from !

We have a testimony where He brought you from and where he is able to take you to !

Don’t let what you see to defeat you ! Remember what He have done for you !

He says I will not fail you now !

I want you thank him for what is not enough right now , knowing He will multiply in more than enough!

I know that there are people are going to storms !

The very thing you’re going trough is where Jesus is walking , going on top of  to rescue you!

He knew you will be facing this storm

He brought you here today to hear or read this message to let you know that if you cry out He will come and get in your boat .

If you’re here today and you don’t know if you’re right with God !

The truth is : in sunshine days we never found Jesus !

If God allowed this storm is for you to encounter Jesus !

The blessing is in the breaking! The booking is what God are going to use to bring the blessing

Say : Jesus help me ! If you cry out he gonna enter with you in the boat

God sees you in as a great value . So He died at the Cross for you !

Just like you are know , he loves you !

Could you pray this prayer ?

Lord Jesus , I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ is the way , the truth and the life !

He died on the cross , carrying my sins , in his physical body , he bled and dye , and rose on the third day , he conquered death , he conquered demons , he conquered sins , he conquered Satan’s power , I’m free , I’m delivered , I’m a child of god , I’m a overcomer , the storm will not kill me , the storm is what Jesus will come to me

I receive him as my Lord and saviour from this day forward!

Jesus is in my boat !

I pray in Jesus name !