Set Under Authority

I want to talk you about a bible principle that is extremely important !

I wanna talk about “Been Set Under Authority

I’ve never seen anyone succeed without recognising and honouring this bible principle!

It is a bible principle that can bless your life in an amazing way !

When we talk about Authority you have to realise that  the bible is a book that deals with authority issues!

Isaiah 14:12-15 How Lucifer – an angel of God became Satan / Devil

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
14 “I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit

We read that Lucifer was in heaven, He was one of 3 powerful angels in heaven !

Was Gabriel the messenger , Mikael the warrior and Lucifer the worshiper leader !

The bible said Isaiah 14 : I will ascend the throne of God , I will be like the most high, I will set my own congregation in sides of the north !

We have a Church’s split going on in heaven !

Notice the words : I , I , I , me , me , me ,

Notice the enemy of authority is self centred: I, me

Of corse Satan led the third of angels in heaven  because of an authority issue !

Because He didn’t want stay under authority and he came out under his authority and was cast out of heaven

We have same examples bible

Adam and Eve was under authority of God until they stepped (t) out of the authority of his word then the corse came !

The children of Israel – They went out from Egypt and they could enter in the promise land but They allowed 10 people to talk them out of staying under authority of Moses .

Moses said we need to posses this land at once , but they murmured, they complained and they refused to stay under that authority and it cost them the promise land for the whole generation

But you can say : I don’t have authority issues, this is not a problem for me !

But you will be amazed how many people have this problem .

I’m teaching you , I’m teaching my church , because I want see you blessed by God ! I have seen in Ireland many people do not obey , do not respect authorities !

To start ….

You need to understand that parents are  the first authority in your life , if you don’t obey your parents , respect your parents , honour your parents – you have an authority issue !

Deuteronomy 5:16 ““Honour your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

You have authority in your Job , your boss, manager is an authority !

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

The Truth is, there is a Bible principle and the principle is : you must respect and honour authority!

Even if your  boss is a jerk  or  not Christian !

If you’re there , if you accepted the job , if you agreed with the salary , if you got the Job, you have to serve him as if serving the Lord !

God says : I see what you do and God put you in certain Job for a season to see if you’re humble enough to submit to authority even when they treat you bad !

When you read scripture the Word Authority- comes from the Word : Author

God is the Author of Authority

Authority in the home , authority in the marriage, authority in the family, authority in the nation , etc

Romans 13:1-2
1 “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”

I , I ,I me, me ,me

When you against authority you never more like the devil

Because what cast out out of heaven

Here is the point : Authority is a covering ! Authority is protection ! (Repeat )

I have a pastor in Brasil pastor Abe , that God gave him a Vision and spoke to him that : to be under authority is to be under umbrella ☔️

Authority is like an umbrella, is like umbrella over your life !

Authority is like a covering , like the purpose of umbrella

Here is the point : we have to get under , what God has put over us , so that we can get over what God wants to put under us

And Until you can get under what God wants to put over you He can trust you – to put over what he wants to put under you !

God watches how you respond to authority and He determines what he can put under you !

So when you understand the power of authority, That He is the Author of Authority –

We must be set under authority – when we live our lives under His Authority/ them He can put under us what he wants us to have authority over !

Notice that the authority that God put under us is like a place of protection

That’s exactly when you’re not under authority of God’s Word , the authority of headship of Christ , the authority in our lives that God put over us , is like walking out you get hammered by hail ,you’ve get pellet with problems , you’re defeated because you’re not under authority.

When you rebels against authority, when you rebels against your parents , when you speak against people in leadership that God put over your lives

Even your boss , leaders , preaching minister, etc

You have to be careful- because when you remove the authority and step out of under authority / you are out of the protection plan that God has for your life !

when you get under authority you’re in a zone blessing  , blessing alignment , and   provisions of God ,

All that He has is under this authority and if you step out you miss the blessings of God in your life

God says : This is what I bless and this is my chain of command, is a place of perfection ,

God puts authority over you to bring out the best in you !

But most people are willing to submit to authority!

Example : God put a teacher , professor over your life , for what ?

To bring out the best in your life and as a result you can can get a better job , better salary , etc

Another example : an athlete, a runner, or football player, he has a coach in his life !

But he have to submit to that authority, and he has to obey ,

Many times God put authorities over our lives to bring out the best gifts in our lives !

A mentor in our lives many times is a tormentor !

Many times authority that doesn’t point out how wonderful you are but they put pressure on you , just like a diamond in the ruff , they put pressure on you to bring out the best in you !

Just like a parent is , they will not alway say how wonderful, lovely you are ! They gonna put pressure on you , to make you better , to bring out the gifts that you have inside !

Here is most people do ! They came out the moment the authority says or does !

They came of  here and say : I’m not gonna listen you ! Who do you think you are !

You’re stupid, you don’t know what you’re talking about , I don’t have to respect you , I don’t have to listen you ,

What gonna happen ?

You’re gonna be defeated, you’re gonna be hammered by rail and you’re gonna suffer because you’re not under authority

You can believe that or not believe that – but this is the problem with family , this is the problem with homes , because you can not come out from under that authority of home , parent , Church , Job , police , and not suffer consequences!

You’re never going to reach your potential until you get under the authority!!

If go to the Bible you gonna see many examples:

Book of Ester

Mordecai became Ester’s authority- and she has to came up under what God had over her , so she could be over what God had under her

(2 King 2)

Elijah was Elisha’s covering / and he had became under what God had put over him so he could be over what God put under him

Over and over you see that in the scripture

(Ruth 1:16,17)

Ruth and Naomi (Neiomi) …… Naomi was the covering / and Ruth said : Where you go , I go ! Your people will be my people ! I’m not gonna leave you , or to turn back from you

What does it means ?

You’re my covering, I can’t let you go somewhere ! I’m not under your covering ?

Because she understood authority!

Another example Bible Matthew 8:8-10

8 “The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.
9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”

He said to Jesus : I’m am a man set under authority Jesus !

I understand the power of authority- and because I’m under what is over me – I have soldiers under me because I’m under authority over me

Jesus marvelled / This guy gets it !

This is not about you do what you want to do !

You choosing what you want to do !

You deciding yourself what to do ,

You can pic and choose the authority of God’s Word that you like !

I like that , this is good for me , but I don’t like that !

I don’t need to obey my boss

I can sleep with my girlfriend, boyfriend

Don’t work in that way !

You ether under God’s Word or you not !

You ether submit to the Word of God , to the Truth of the Gospel or you not

You ether submit to God in your church attendance or you do your own things.

Some people don’t have commitment with Church attendance !

Very  important: some people they have no authority over their lives !

They are not protected ! Because they jump from Church to Church

They go to every church / they have no pastor or authority over their lives !

You need to be planted in the church and walk under authority

God says : the standard is the standard, the covering is the covering !

When you’re under God’s Word , obeying his word there is protection over your life !

Stay under authority God’s Word

This book is the authority over my life and your life  ! We follow the Laws of the Lamb !

This is The Truth and the Truth will set you free

If we put our family under the Truth of this book / the word of God / we will stand !

The storm may comes , but we’re built on the Rock / and the Rock is Jesus Christ !

1 Corinthians 11:3 “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.”

Marriage is an umbrella

But I want you know that the head of every man is Christ !

God said that the head of every man is Christ and the head of woman is the man !

He says : if you gonna walk trough stuff you need this authority  husband under authority of God

Or that family are going to be hammered by hail over ,over ,over

The job’s description for a husband in the bible is sacrifice !

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church

The Job for the husband in the New Testament is sacrifice ! Sacrifice , sacrifice !

If you don’t want to sacrifice, do not marry !

If you’re married and you’re not sacrificing your life for your wife your not under God’s Word .

The Job description for the wives in the New Testament is to submit , submit , submit –  Ephesians 5:22

As a man holds an umbrella under the authority of God – the woman submit

He sacrifices and you submit, and you together, the family , the home , the marriage is under the blessings of God , the protection of God ,

But when one goes over here , and says I’m not going to submit and the man does not sacrifice

Guess what happen  Satan is after the umbrella over the family,

The children are open to attach, the enemy says : if I can remove the umbrella from that marriage then that marriage is destroyed!

Husband loves your wives as Christ loved the Church sacrificially , unselfishly, steadfastly.

What happens with many couples , they turned the umbrella marriage unto a sword.

To fight , they fight over things !

Instead been under the authority of God, submitting one another , they start fighting I, I , I , me , me , me

God says : both you shut up ! And coming under my authority, loving one another , forgiving one another , stop been in that way because the enemy are going to hammer your children , family , your marriage.

Many are like lucifer I , I, I , me , me , me ! Stop ! That make me sick and get under authority!

Get under my authority, if you get under what God puts over you , I will put you over what  I’ve get under you !

Then will be a blessed family !

The point is simply this : get under what God has put over you , so he can put you over what he wants to put under you

Are you set under authority?

There is consequences when we do not honour respect  or obey authorities

You need to repent from this sin ! whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God , and there is consequences

When you rebels against authority, when you rebels against your parents , when you speak against people in leadership that God put over your lives even your boss , leaders , preaching minister , pastors , police or any authority , etc

We need to repent from this sin!