The Evidence of God’s Presence

I spoke for 2 weeks about the presence of God and today I will speak on the evidence of the presence of God in our lives.

In the first message I spoke about Moses. The Bible says that Moses had a special place to seek the presence of the Lord, he put a tent outside the camp and there God spoke to him.

In the second message I spoke about David. David sought God daily with passion and fervour.  David had more thirst for God than for water.  He was hungrier for God than he was for food.

The extraordinary thing in David’s life had nothing to do with David himself, but the God he knew and sought after.

Nowadays there is a great deficit in the knowledge of the presence of God. Very few Christians and even churches have revelation on His presence. I didn’t say they didn’t have enough services or bible studies I said revelation of the presence.

Why do some people have more of the presence of God than others? Why do some churches have more of the presence of God than other churches?

The presence of God is for every Christian that is born again.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good

Psalms 34:8

We need to seek, it should be discovered. The bible says: “taste and see” – it’s inviting you to an experience with Him.

I have had many experiences with the presence of God. Some of these experiences were in church but many of these experiences I had alone, just myself and God. These experiences changed my life.

As christians we need awareness of the presence of God.

We need to honour the presence and not use it for personal gain or advantage or popularity or fame. When you honour the presence of God , this presence increases in our lives.

When his presence is manifested it’s like the air is thick, it’s tangible and we have to learn how to discover that.

Many times we use our faith to heal people, or for someone to be saved,  we use our faith to deliver people, we need to use the measure of faith to discover the presence because everything in the Christian life is discovered by faith.

Just an example: how can we experience that? If I’m going to be alone with the Lord how do I start?

First I used to kneel down before the Lord and I would start with these words: Lord I thank you, because You have said you’ll never leave us, and also you make my body a temple and I honour you for that, thank you because Jesus gave us his assignment and I can say that: the Spirit of the Lord is upon me.

You start remembering what He has said in his Word, start making confessions and soon you begin to realise and discover the tangible manifested presence of God.

By that, I don’t mean that we always have to feel it. I have gone without feeling and even when I don’t feel it I know He’s with me. But it’s so good when you feel Him.

He said, seek me, taste me and you are going to find me if you seek me with all your heart.

Many people say that feelings are not important. The Bible says the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy!

And two of the three are felt realities. Two of them are things that you feel.

In the first message I gave about the presence of God I’ve said: for me there is nothing more powerful, more important than the presence of God. There is nothing to compare, because that is the great pleasure and the great treasure is the presence of God in our lives.

Moses said I don’t want to go anywhere without your presence and we all know that we need to be careful not only to have the presence of God but to always keep it, that’s why it is important how you live your life.

We need to be conscious of the person who fills the entire universe and holds everything together. We need to live with that awareness of His presence.

This is the Christian life. Because some people come to church, they pray to God but when they get out of church they are not aware that their  words, thoughts, actions can keep that presence in their life.

Everything you do, you say, you think should be to please and keep this holy presence in your life. It’s not only about coming to church and receiving teachings but it’s a process of valuing  His presence above everything.

As something very valuable we need to diligently guard and keep it.

One of my longings is that every disciple from this church would experience the manifested presence of the Lord and fall in love with Him, and want Him and have Him!

I’m here to bless you in the name of The Lord and God’s covenant promise: I will be with you always.

May there be here today literal ongoing encounters from deep and profound experiences and everyone that is receiving this Word become aware of your presence and recognise your presence.

Get rid of every kind of bondages, addictions, difficulties, in my brethren lives that would keep them from a true deliverance of freedom.

The mystery of God is not in faith, it is in His presence. The knowing of God to us is by faith but the mysteries of God himself is in His presence.

Anything about God is in His presence. The presence is visible, it is tangible, I can touch it and experience it.

The presence of God must be revealed, not studied!  Many people study and say: I know the theology of the presence of God. No, you can’t! It must be revealed.

There are mysteries in the presence of God himself that are concealed, hidden, meaning they are close. Those are the mysteries that no man knows.

Psalm 97:1-2

The LORD reigns; Let the earth rejoice; Let the multitude of isles be glad! Clouds and darkness surround Him; Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.

Psalms 97:1-2

Clouds and darkness surround Him, righteousness and judgment are the habitation or the foundation of his throne.

What does darkness mean? God doesn’t have any darkness, why does He say darkness?

The Hebrew word here is: araphelthat  represents mysteries, not visible, in secret. 

God is wrapped around in mysteries.

There is so much about His person we don’t know! Man has not seen, angels haven’t seen and those mysteries are concealed and hidden.

However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9

I don’t know how many of you want to know those mysteries, the things that God has prepared for those who love him.

I can come to you and talk about the presence, but you need to experience and to have revelation of the presence and the Glory of God.

Today I want you to say: “God, reveal your presence to me by your Holy Spirit. The presence of Jesus and the presence of the Father. Open my eyes, create hunger in me to know your mysteries. Right now I’m activated in the presence of God and I can walk on it. In Jesus name!”

You can walk in the presence. But you say: I have never felt it. Some people say: I’ve been in church for years but never felt the presence of God.

The presence of God is called the presence of Godbecause its the atmosphere of heaven.

It is an atmosphere of the person of God himself.

When God comes to a place He carries an atmosphere around Him.

Have you gone to a place where you felt that environment filled with demons? where you felt oppression?  I have been in a place like that.

When you go to a place and there is an evil presence, it’s because there is a demonic spirit.

What scares me is: some christians can feel the presence of demons in a place but they cannot feel the presence of God.

When God’s presence comes in a service or in a prayer meeting, there is something different. Because His person is there.

Don’t separate His atmosphere with His presence.

Wherever God goes, his presence and his atmosphere go too.

The presence of God is the necessary supernatural environment for us to function.

The course of humanity is the absence of the presence of God. The presence of God is not an option, it’s a necessity. Like the air we breathe.

Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Psalms 51:11

David said: don’t cast me away from Your presence! Could you say that ?

Don’t cast me away from your presence and don’t take me Your Holy Spirit from me!

Because David knew, the moment the presence leaves us we become a religion. We become mechanical, we become dry, we become lukewarm and we become dead.

There is a necessity for us to function. We were designed to be and to live in the presence of God.

Jesus made the way for us to be in His presence. Man was removed from the presence, but Jesus paid the price on the cross for us to be restored.

What are the evidences that the presence of God is in a place and in a person?

1- The first evidence that the presence of God is in you is rest.

Supernatural rest is the first evidence. What is supernatural rest?

This is a place where you totally trust in Him.

And He said, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.””

Exodus 33:14

God said: if my presence goes, you will see that my presence will go because I will give you rest!

What does that mean? Supernatural rest is a place in God where you are totally, totally trusting of Him.

Please, lift your hands and say: God I trust you totally!

Resting is the first evidence that you know that you’re in the presence of God.

If you struggle, if you have anxiety, if you are fighting against people, if you have worries and you are not resting that means you’re not in His presence.

Resting is the evidence that proves to you that you are in the presence.

What is the rest of God ? It’s the place in God where you let go of things that burden you.

Is there anything you worry about ? Is there anything you are concerned about ? Is there anything that you feel is a burden?

Supernatural rest is where you let go of it all!

Please as a sign of surrender lift your hands and say: I let go and I rest in God!

I let go of anxieties, worries, thoughts, desires, emotions, I let them go!

Letting go is the greatest evidence of your faith. What does that mean?

That means you know God is working!

While you are sleeping, He is at it, if you’re resting God is working.

If you worry and you’re concerned, he’s not working.

We all have concerns and burdens, do you know why?

Because there are no perfect people here! That’s why we need to go to God’s presence every day!

In Matthew 6 Jesus said many times: don’t be worried about anything…

Its illegal to be stressed out in the presence of God. Rest is the first thing, the first evidence that you are in the presence of God .

If there’s anything you are stressed out over it is because you have not let go. If you’re stressed out, if you worry, if you’re concerned it’s because you have not let go.

The second evidence of the presence of God is peace.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalms 46:10

Be still and know that I’m God! God is saying: in peace, in quietness, I will reveal to you that I’m with you and you will know that I’m God

Many people don’t know how to let go of things and I want to help you.

I want you to lift your hands again, because your hands are a sign of surrender and say: Father, I let go of anything, any person that burdens me. All I’m concerned about, I let go.  Any stress, worry, fear, I let go, right now!

But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.

Psalms 22:3

How do you rest? How do you enter into that rest? With so much burden in my life I have to let go!

How many of you have many burdens today, many of you have so many concerns, how do you do it?

First: voice it to the Lord (in other words say it)

Voice to God what bothers you! This will cause the presence to consume those words as a sacrifice.

When you release what bothers you, God takes those words and consume them with His presence.

Second : acknowledge that you can not do it on your own. Acknowledging that you can’t change things, that you can’t do anything.

Say out loud: Father today I come to you, I acknowledge that I can’t do it in my own ability, I trust your presence and I let go. I voice my concerns, my burdens. Let your presence consume my words, right now.

When you enter in his presence and worship Him, when you surrender, he gives you rest!

Sing to him, worship him, because worship is a sign that you are resting and you can’t worship when you’re stressed out.

When you enter in His presence and worship Him, His power and will flow into your life giving you rest and peace!

May God bless you