The Power of Faith

I’m sure that from today on many miracles will happen in your life as a result of this series of messages! How do I know miracles will happen?

The Bible says: Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God! As a result from hearing the word of God, your heart will be filled with faith, you will start praying for the things you need and you will experience the supernatural of God!

Today’s Word: The Power of Seeing and Hearing

“The righteous will live by faith”  Habakkuk 2:4, Hebrews 10:38, Romans 1:17

 The Bible doesn’t just say you should have faith, it says you have to LIVE by Faith!

Your faith has to be so strong that it affects every area of ​​your life! Your spiritual life, emotional, sentimental, financial, professional, family.

You have to use your faith in all areas of your life, for the righteous will live by faith!

How many believe that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour? This is faith for salvation!

Most Christians have just enough faith for salvation! They believe in Jesus, are saved and will enter the kingdom of Heaven, because salvation is only through Faith.

Many Christians are saved by faith, by believing in Jesus, but they don’t put their faith to use in their daily lives.

Our faith is the most powerful force in the world. Through faith we have the power to change our own lives, our destiny, our family, our church and even our city and nation.

By faith, the Bible says in Mark 16:18: They will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed.

The first miracle that happened in my life was only after 6 months of faith. My mother was sick, she couldn’t breathe, I put my hands on her, I prayed for 30 seconds and when I finished the prayer she was completely healed and breathing normally!

Through faith I experienced extraordinary victories.

The Bible says that by faith you can cast out demons, who are spiritual beings much more powerful than us, but by faith, the power of God manifests and the demons have to obey us! By faith I have cast hundreds of demons out of people’s lives.

How beautiful it is to see a person who was once destroyed and full of demons being freed and transformed by Jesus!

Faith is something extraordinary that is capable of changing even nature, stopping winds and storms.

Years ago we were at a big baptism in our church in Brazil  (we were baptising 300 people outdoors). Suddenly there came a big storm that was about to ruin everything! What did we do ? We rebuked the storm and things calmed down.

Some people believe in Jesus for their salvation, but they don’t use their faith for anything else.

Our faith needs to lead us to greater things in God, because Biblical Faith is powerful, those who have faith are not afraid, because faith casts out fear. Those who have faith have hope for the future. Because Faith opens doors!

Even when things are bad in our lives, when you have faith, you say: it’s okay, God is in control, because of faith we can rest.

“We, however, who believe, enter into rest.” Hebrews 4:3

 Let’s read 2 Corinthians 4:17,18

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV

 Today we are going to reflect on “The Power of Seeing and Hearing”.

Seeing and Hearing are God-given abilities, but we can use them in ways that destroy our faith.

Apostle Paul was a man who suffered so many persecutions and pain, but when he looks at his life, at the difficulties he was going through, he refers to it as something light and momentary that will produce “an eternal weight of glory” .

This man was a man of faith. Apostle Paul had faith during the good and the bad times. He went through several hardships but never asked God why.

This question (why?) is for those who have no faith! It is a result of doubting God’s love, it is a result of doubting the purpose of the tribulation, for Paul knew that the tribulation in his life would produce an eternal weight of glory.

Paul makes it clear that he didn’t pay much attention to what he saw! For he said: Fix your eyes on what you DON’T SEE, for the things you see are temporary, but the things you don’t see are eternal!

Beware of what you look at! For what you see is not the truth. Sometimes we look at a problem, at a medical diagnosis that says there is no solution for your life, this is what it seems to be the truth, but this may not be God’s plan.

God has things for you that are beyond your sight!

Apostle Paul said: I don’t pay attention to the things I see, but to the things I can’t see. Because the ones I see are temporary and the ones I don’t see are eternal.

What is he saying ? It is the spiritual world that commands the physical world.

I want to tell you that the spiritual world commands the physical world and you need to believe and you need to pay attention to what you don’t see, and this is through faith.

“For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV

The Apostle Paul said: Walk by what you believe, walk by faith and not by what you see!

What you see, destroys your faith!

We are living in difficult days and watching the news can be depressing! If you follow the news you only see tragedy , and you receive bad news every day.

All this bad news generates fear, insecurity and disbelief in people’s lives. What you see creates fear and disbelief.

Seeing is something wonderful, vision is a beautiful gift from God, but this gift that God has given us, has been used by the devil to turn you away from God’s will.

Apostle Paul says, we have to walk by faith and not by what we see!

The things you are seeing will destroy your faith. What God has for you cannot be seen through human eyes. Be careful what you are looking at!

Satan tempted Jesus using a vision. He said to Jesus: look at all the kingdoms of the world, if you worship me I will give them to you! Satan used a vision against Jesus.

Physical vision is the enemy of faith! Because faith is based on what you don’t see!

What is faith according to Hebrews 11:1?

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 NIV

Faith is the certainty of things that are not seen, but things you are sure of and expect. We need to see beyond what our eyes see.

What you see, destroys your faith. But what makes your faith grow?

 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 NKJV

That is why I’m teaching about “The Power of Seeing and Hearing”! Faith does not come by seeing, but it comes by hearing. What you see will often challenge your faith.

But the Bible teaches us that we have to stop seeing to hear what God says!

Because It is the word of God that will produce faith in your life.

When you hear the word of God, something immediately starts happening inside of you. How many times have I come to church, and started worshipping, heard the word and was then healed and set free. Other times I was tired and then felt strengthened.

Testimony: Healing of the fish bone.

Years ago on a Sunday, Fabiana cooked some fish and after dinner we would all go to church. While I was eating the fish, a very large bone got into my throat. And it hurt me badly. Fabiana said: I think you should to go to the Hospital and not go to the service today.

But I would not miss the service! I won’t miss a meeting because of a fish bone. I went to the service in great pain and with breathing difficulties. The service started, I couldn’t sing because of the pain, but I raised my hands and worshiped God and asked, God heal me. When the songs ended I put a hand on my neck and realised that there was no bone in my throat. The fish bone disappeared while I worshiped God.

When you expose yourself to the word of God, when you hear the word of God, miracles happen. So Be faithful to God’s house and hear the word of God and many areas in your life will improve. Do you believe that !

Say it with me: I am a person of faith, not a person of fear! What you hear is more important than what you see!

How many want God to work miracles in your life?

How many here need a miracle? But not everyone will receive a miracle!

There are some misunderstandings about miracles, so I want to teach you something very important:

1- Miracles are not for those who deserve it, they’re for those who believe! Miracles are not for those who deserve it, if they were for those who deserve it, no one would receive them.

2- Miracles are not for those who need them! Miracles are for those who believe!

Most of the miracles that happened through my prayers were not when I was in church, but with people outside the church, people who believed and received because they believed in the miracle.

Example :

Jesus came to the people of Israel, but once a Greek woman approached Jesus, she was not from Israel, but she cried to Jesus, “Jesus heal, my daughter”

Let’s see what Jesus said to her.

“But Jesus said to her, “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” And she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.” Then He said to her, “For this saying go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.””  Mark 7:27-29 NKJV

She said to Jesus: I know that the Lord came for the people of Israel, the bread belongs to them, but I’ll take even if just a crumb!

Jesus said: Because of your faith, your daughter has been healed!

This woman received the miracle not because of Jesus’ faith, she got it because she believed, she went after it.

Miracles are not for those who deserve it, they’re for those who believe!

So you have to remove all that is hindering your faith. If you listen to what the world says, if you listen to what people say and keep looking at the circumstances, you won’t have a miracle.

Because miracles are not for those who need it, miracles are not for those who deserve them, miracles are for those who believe!

Once a man who had a son with problems came to Jesus and asked:

“….. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus said to him “ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:22, 23 NIV

He came to Jesus and said: I have a need, can you operate a miracle?

Jesus answers his question with another question: Do you ask me if I can? Everything is possible for those who believe!

Do you believe the words of Jesus? Everything is possible for those who believe!

Many come before God feeling they are undeserving, some say: I’m not going to ask for anything, if God wills it, He’ll give it to me! This is unbelief!

““Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 NIV

 It is not your need that will generate the miracle, it is your faith!

God is happy to give us things. God loves you and He wants to give you gifts! God loves you so much!

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32 NIV

God loves you, if He gave us His own son, would He not graciously give us all things? All things.

God listens to the one who has faith, God wants to do it, but He needs you to believe! Because without faith it is impossible to please God.

Remember that miracles are not for those who deserve it, miracles are not for those who need it!  Miracles are for those who believe!

Today God sent me here to awaken your faith. Stop paying attention to the things you’re seeing, but look to the things you don’t see.

It’s time for believers to be better believers! Our faith is supernatural! It is not rational, it is spiritual.

Just believe and you will see the glory of God!

Believe and God will send angels to bring revelation and answers to you.

Believe and God will send someone to pray for your illness. Believe and God will send people to help you and bring you the answers you need. Believe and God will open doors for jobs.

Believe, because everything is possible for those who believe, Awake you who sleep and be a man, a woman, be a young man of faith, be a believer and you will see the supernatural of God.

If you believe this word say: I believe!

May the Lord bless you !