The Power of Fasting

We are so thankful to the Lord for his faithfulness, even when this world is going crazy but don’t forget, everything this world is going through is the fulfilment of the scripture, don’t be afraid or worried because the Lord reigns , from generation to generation He is trustworthy , and we can trust Him even when everything is shaking!

Today we need to say thanks for His faithfulness and give Him all the Glory ! Because in the mists of all these crises the world is going through we have seen God moving among us and many here have received many miracles , and many doors have been open so our mouth can not be closed and we have to say thanks to the Lord and worship him. Because He has been faithful to us !

With thankful hearts we need to give Him our best and to honour His faithfulness giving Him our life , our hearts and our time , our finances and giving Him the first place in our lives.

This is a principle from the Bible, where the first part of everything belongs to God. The first fruit of our life , time , our money belongs to God.

If you don’t give to the Lord the first part you will lose it all!

When you give to God the first part , the first days of your year, you are sealing and blessing the rest of your year.

We  need to understand this principle of giving Him the first and the best part.

This is why we had 12 hours of prayer yesterday, consecrating the first fruits of our time in God’s presence!

When you began your day with God , the rest is blessed .

When we begin our week with God the rest is blessed.

When you give the first portion of your finances to God the rest is blessed .

When you put God first in your life all other things fall into their proper places.

This is why we are starting tomorrow (04 January) our Annual 21 days Fasting in order to consecrate the rest of the year !

2021 Daniel Fasting from 04/01 to 24/01

Are you excited? I’m so excited for what God are going to do after this 21 days ! He’s going to do something mighty in your life!

The challenge in this 21 days is to fast some meals during week days  and eat just vegetables, fruits and water.

This is not obligation , every one should pray and decide how to fast , talk to your family and decide what you are going to fast, because some people can not fast for long time – for health problems , but every one should do your best for God’s Glory !

You’re fasting food , things that you really like – but you also should limit internet , facebook, Twitter, instagram. Also to Limit watching news , Why ? Because you need to use your time wisely , you should have your time with God everyday .

You are going to stop Facebook and you are going to FaceBible

On these 21 days fasting and praying , God is going to open the floodgates of Heaven over our Church , over Ireland  and over your family and your life!

This fasting is not for you to receive things from God, but if you fast, your spiritual life is going to be radically transformed!

This fasting is very healthy, it’s very good for your body (because you are probably going to lose weight) but the main benefit is the spiritual growth that you are going to have if you do it right, if you do it for Him! Because it’s possible to fast but without doing it for Him!

“so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”

Matthew 6:18

But if you fast to draw near to Jesus, it will profoundly affect your life , because when you make time for God, when you sacrifice for God you receive from Him the reward.

He will reward you openly because He sees what you are doing, He sees your sacrifice and will reward you !

During the fast , focus on the Word of God, and also have time for personal  prayer and come to prayer meetings, we can come to church for prayer , it’s not prohibited (lockdown) , then you are going to see many miracles.

What we are saying to God when we fast is: We put you first, we’re seeking your direction, we seek you Jesus and we are  hungry for you.

Let’s see now what Jesus said about The Power of Prayer and Fasting – Mark 9:25-29

25 “When Jesus saw that a multitude came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him,

“You mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again!”

26 After crying out and convulsing him greatly, it came out of him. The boy became like one dead, so much that most of them said, “He is dead.”

27 But Jesus took him by the hand, and raised him up; and he arose.

28 When he had come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we cast it out?”

29 He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing, except by prayer and fasting.””

Mark 9:25-29

The Bible gives an account of a father whose son had been tormented by evil spirits from childhood.

The father’s child  longed to see his son set free.

He asked for Jesus’ disciples for help with his troubled son.

But Jesus’ disciples could not  set his son free !

Then Jesus came , rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him,

I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again!” The boy was set free !

When Jesus and his disciples got home , his disciples asked him privately, “Why could not we cast it out?”

“This kind can come out by nothing, except by prayer and fasting.””

Here Jesus gave us a key to breakthrough.

He said there are some situations we are going to overcome just trough Fasting end Prayer.

There are something that don’t happen until you fast and pray according Mark 9:29

That’s why we are challenging every one in Church to enter in this 21 days of fasting and prayer. We are going to receive breakthrough with your kids , breakthrough with God , health, finances , breakthrough in your spiritual life

Here is the point : breakthrough never happens to anyone in the bible who did not seek them

You’re never find anyone in the Bible who got a major breakthrough, that didn’t seek Him .When you starts seeking God you gets God attention and God turn into your cry .

In order for us to understand the power of Prayer and fasting we need read another verse

“Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”” Matthew 17:17

Jesus say to his disciples : “O faithless and perverse generation !

In another words Jesus was saying for his own disciples:

1st reason – you are faithless , you have no faith, you are unbeliever – you are walking with me , but disconnected from God

You are disconnected from the Word of God

You are disconnected from my presence

You’re disconnected from hungering from God

Then the unbelief comes , fear , anxiety , hopeless,  them you can not trust in God for miracles because of the lack of faith .

2nd reason : Jesus called his disciples : perverse

Jesus said : you are not connected to God / but you are connected to the World  – this world has perverted you !

This world contaminated you with sin ! Immorality, pornography, addictions such as smoking, drinking and gambling of any kind, spirit of gossip, bad words , rebellion against authorities , etc

What Jesus did say to His disciple ? Verse 29

You have in your life no faith and perversion But if you pray and fast you can overcome this  situation !

Because :

Prayer connect you to God

Fasting disconnect you from the World

Disconnect you from sin — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life .

I’m as a pastor , as a preacher –  always I have to go back , to pray , to fast and say : God Help me , because I’m disconnecting from you and I’m connecting to World – then I start praying , repenting, fasting / disconnecting from the world and connecting to God .

Suddenly we are connected to God / disconnected from this world and fresh annoying from the Holy Spirit come over you  and we have the favour of God again !

Fasting brings miracles ! Fasting brings breakthrough in your life

Is not easy to fast , is not fan to fast , but it’s powerful!

Your faith began to explode as you fast.

I saw many miracles as result of my fasting and also as a result my faith grown up.

You need to grow in faith , you need to have experiences with God !

If you would like to have a bigger faith, then you need to fast !

Fasting is not for the strong , fasting is for the weak , fasting is for the common, fasting is for those who are hungry for God !

God is calling us to seek Him !

God is calling us to fast and Pray !

Our physical obedience to God will bring spiritual power , health , protection , healings , miracles , deliverance, salvation and blessings.

Remember : Fast never manipulate God , it’s important when we go to a fast – then you will never earn the blessing and favour of God by work !

It’s by Grace of God , By Blood of Jesus that releases those blessings  !

Fasting does not manipulate God , fasting doesn’t make God to do something that it’s not His will

Fasting gets you ready for God’s answer , fasting prepare your heart to say : not my will but your will be done

Fasting breaks you down , fasting bring you to the place , in a position of obedience , humility and brokenness before God and you understand : my Heavenly Father have the best for me , and now I trust you !

Fasting is an invitation , not an obligation. Fasting is not that God will punish you for not to do. Fasting is an invitation, it’s something you do voluntarily! You go to God and say : God I’m breaking my routine, I don’t have to do , but choose to do !

Fasting is a choice, but it is also obedience.

You should determine how you are going to fast. This is a public fasting invitation for this church.

You should determine how many days are you going to fast in this 21 days, how many meals , what are you gonna eat ?

Writing down your fasting plan – write down is preparation for fasting.

How do you fell when you fast ?

I would like to say that when you fast is super spiritual, you fell sweetness, you fell nice  , happy , but it is not true !

You are going to be tired , hungry, bad breathe, sometimes fighting headache , sometimes you have to apologise your family because your bad temper, etc.

The devil will gonna try to defeat you ! Why are you fasting ! Give up !

Remember: Our temporary physical discomfort has spiritual rewards.

After fasting you’re going to see how God’s Word is going to be strong and alive as you read it. As you fast you are going to see how fast God speak to you!

You should say : food you can wait , entertainment you can wait , because God I need answers and I want more of You !

Fasting increases our sense of humility and dependence upon the Lord.

When you fast you’re saying: God I need you ! God I long for you !

I invite you to pray and say to God I need you ! I’m going to fast this 21 days because I need you ! Give strength and help me in this fasting  and take out of my life  me all faithless , unbelief and perversion!

May the lord bless and keep you and give strength for this 21 day fasting !