The Spiritual Power of Fasting

If you read the bible you are gonna see that Fasting is a spiritual discipline  practiced by Jesus , his disciples and his followers as a source of power , strength and  growth for believers ever since.

Luke 4 said that Jesus fasted for 40 days , he was baptised , filled with the Holy Spirit and was led by the spirit to fast and pray for 40 days .

If it was not necessary to fast , Jesus our example and model  would not have fasted !

Luke 4 is connected to Luke 5 .  

Luke 5:33-35,

33 “They said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking.”

34 Jesus answered, “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?

35 But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.”

This is a revelation

Jesus said : when I’m with then in physical body they don’t need to fast because they have everything in me, but the time will come when my body will be taken away from them , then in this time they need to fast

Jesus is implying, and declaring that : because his body was going away , what they lost  trough Fasting they would regain !

Jesus was taken away physically, then now is time to fast !

Fasting is not trying to get more of God , fast is God getting more of you!

The real reason that I fast , to be honest is because I fell my own inability , I’m unprepared, fell lack of I need to do what God called me to do , because I have some gifts , I have some talents , but they mean nothing if God doesn’t touch them !

When I’m fasting I’m recognising my dependance on God for this new year !

Because I don’t want to do what I have to do in the power of the flesh !

When you’re fasting you’re saying God I need you , I need the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

Luke 5 Jesus continue the teaching about fasting……..

Luke 5

37 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined.

38 No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins.

Jesus said – if you want new wine , you need to have new wineskins !

The reason it’s because new wine ferment , always the new wine has fermentation, it has activity !

The new wine is the Holy Spirit . If you want activity of the Holy Spirit in your life in the New Year  you need a new wineskin !

Jesus teaching is : When you are fasting, when you deny your flesh , you’re producing a new wineskin !

When you’re fasting , you’re  presenting your body as a living sacrifice – then He can pour out His Holy Spirit into a new wineskin!

Do you remember that Jesus taught his disciples that fasting is a powerful weapon with prayer!

“This kind can come out by nothing, except by prayer and fasting.”

In this 21 days of fasting you should have extra time to  prayer!

Fasting without  prayer and without the Word is just a diet and a religious ritual!

You need to fast with prayer and with the word !

If you fast but don’t read the Word and don’t pray it’s just a diet !

Extra time for the word and prayer !

This is the reason in this 21 days you should fast also Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Internet , movies because you need to use your time wisely!

You need extra time and Special attention for the Word of God !

In Matthew 6, Jesus talks about three duties of every Christian: giving, praying and fasting.

And He doesn’t use the word if, He uses the word when.

Matthew 6:18

““When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,”

“so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Your Father, always sees what is done in secret, He will reward you.”

Why fasting is so powerful in the Christian life ?

Because fasting is a way of humbling yourself!

The scripture said in the book of James  Humble yourself before the mighty hand of God and in due season and he will exalt you !

James 4:10

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

When you humble yourself you’re opening the doors for God to exalt you !

When God sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” He will exalt you !

The bible says in the book of proverbs that Pride goes before falling !

Proverbs 16:18

“Pride goes before destruction”

There many people they start well their life with God , maybe you started the Christian life with humble heart as the king Saul in the Old Testament .

He was anointed by Samuel as the first king of Israel .

When he began he was extremely humble , he started out in humility, he started out meek but he turned into another man and God had to replace him with David !

God said this words over Saul

1 Samuel 15:17

“Samuel said, “Although you were once small in your own eyes, did you not become the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you king over Israel.”

What a lesson ? When you become big in your own eyes God says : Pride is something that will cause you downfall !

Pride goes before a fall and destruction of your life !

Don’t ever get to the place that you feel like : you can do it , your talent ,  your gifting, your education is enough !

You need the anointing, you need God’s presence !

The more he raises you , the more you need to seek him !

The more He bless you , the more you need to seek Him !

It’s dangerous we were really growing spiritually, growing in church and we getting so busy and we didn’t have time to pray ,  read the bible , to fast and to go to meetings !

It’s dangerous to have a growing ministry and a shrinking your passion for Jesus.

Also some of you , in the past was unemployed, no money , no documents, no Irish citizenship , no medical card and you were seeking God , coming to all church meetings, praying , seeking God

But now you’re so busy , now you have to work , now you have to study , to do your own stuffs, go for shopping, to work more and more , because you need more money and no time for God !

No time for meetings because you’re growing families , growing careers, education .

Please , Don’t let your passion for Jesus shrink !

Saul born in humility and he died in pride !

It cost him everything, costing his family, cost him his children and it cost him the Kingdom!

What is powerful about fasting is that as you fast you’re humbling yourself before God !

You’re saying: God use me again !  God filled me again ! God blessed me again !

Our church is growing but we need you more now than I did then –  that’s the right spirit !

I’m more desperate for you now than I was then

Now that you have given me much – than much is required of me and I need you like I have never needed you before !

People don’t understand why we have this 21 days fasting. Why we do this every year ! People don’t understand and some says : why are you doing that ? I’m sure people have said you’re crazy.

I was criticised even by believers and leaders because of my fasting !

But it’s a way of humbling yourself!

Fasting is a way of saying: I don’t want pride in my life !

Some people are pride and they don’t know

I use to say that : Pride is like bad breath. Everyone knows you have it except you.

Those who are near you knows and can fell the smell of your pride !

If you want to know , ask for people around you , your parents , leader , pastor , because they know !

Did You know that the first sin in the bible was pride ? The first sin in creation was pride !

Pride got turned an angel into a devil!

Because Lucifer , according to the scripture was an arch Angel that was in a holy place , in heaven

Isaiah 14: 13,14

 “You said in your heart,  

Notice that Lucifer’s problem started in his heart….. He had a problem with authority, his boss , but he didn’t fixed !

If you have a problem with someone , with brother , sister , relative , your leader  , please go , confess and fix this situation before you fall !

Because of the problem not fixed , Lucifer started saying !

13 I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

14 I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

I , I , I , I , It’s all about me ! That is pride ! When you think just about yourself , don’t help others , don’t serve others, don’t love your neighbour , don’t invest in others, etc

And he was cast out of heaven !

Think about it 

Pride can turn an Angel into a devil !

Pride can prevent many people  to enter into the Kingdom of God !

I don’t want pride to get a hold of me !

If we would be honest we all have to say : there are times where we begin to became self-sufficient !

That’s why fasting is so powerful !

That’s why in the beginning of the year we are saying:

Holy Spirit I need you , holly spirit fill me again , and I humble myself!

You know you have a choice , God Said : humble yourself before the mighty hand of God – Or God will humble you , so , you can humble yourself or God is gonna humble you !

By doing this 21 days fasting , one of the greatest things God will do is humble you !

You are gonna look back and say :

I can’t believe I was acting like that ,

I can’t believe I was thinking like that way ,

I can’t believe I talked that person that way , because pride can blind you !

When you fast – God will show those areas of your life that pride is working in you .

There is nothing wrong with succeeding, nothing wrong with been successful,  but give God the Glory and don’t let the good things , the blessings of God , the Job you have , the family,  to take you out of God’s house and God’s plan !

Humility is not putting yourself down , Humility is lifting Jesus up in your life !

Lord I give you the Glory , God you deserve the honour, God you deserve the praise of every achievement, every success of my life to God be the glory for the things he has done.

God you deserve my best !