You Were Born To Succeed

No human being on earth, no one is a mistake. You were born for something!

Now I want to read some verses in the Bible about yourself.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalms 139:13-16

You may or not have been planned by your father and mother, but you were planned in heaven by an all-powerful God.

You and I were sent to this land to do something valuable. I believe that we all have a calling, a mission and a purpose for being alive!

Yes, you who are listening to me now, God has a purpose for your life!

People may have rejected and abused you, but God created you and planned a hopeful future for you. God has good thoughts about you, plans for you to prosper, to give you hope for a good future.

In talking with people, in counselling or discipleship I noticed that many who are in the church still don’t know their own life purpose here on earth.

Today you need to understand some things:

Who am I? Where did I come from? Who created me?
You did not come from a monkey, you did not come from an amoeba do not let yourself believe this.

Why are you here? Many do not know what they are doing here on earth.

What can I do? Many have no idea of ​​their abilities and what they are capable of achieving. Many people die without ever developing their abilities.

Where am I going? What is my destiny? What is my future?

Many live frustrated and hopeless lives because of their past, and because too many things have gone wrong. The Bible has answers to all of life’s questions!

I discovered that life’s greatest tragedy is not death, but its a life without purpose. There is nothing worse than being alive without knowing why you are alive! Many are just breathing, eating, living, but with no purpose or goal, they lead meaningless lives!

Why am I here? This is the frustration of many. Everyone wants to be successful.
I have never met anyone who said: I think I want to fail today! Nobody wants to fail, everyone wants to be successful in their studies, in their professional life,  in their marriage.

I have good news for you! You can have a successful life and You were born to succeed.

Success is not about luck, I will prove to you in a little while that God created you to be successful.

When I say “successful”, I am not promising that you will be rich, that you will be a millionaire. I am not teaching prosperity theology either because I do not believe in it.

God wants you to feel good about yourself, God wants you to be happy, He wants you to fulfil your calling and your life purpose.

Why? Because you did not come from a monkey, you did not come from an amoeba, you are not the result of a marriage that went wrong, you were created by God and He is your maker!

Did you know that success is something important for every manufacturer that makes a product?

How many of you know what this symbol is?  Do you know it?

This horse is the symbol of a famous car company called Ferrari.

Before a Ferrari leaves the company, they test it and make sure everything is working as it should.

When you buy a Ferrari it comes with a Manual, and in this manual are all the ideas and rules of ​​the manufacturer.

How many of you read the manual for every single item you buy? When you buy a TV, a mobile phone, or car, do you read the entire manual to understand exactly how it’s supposed to work?

How many of you do that?  Don’t fool yourself because you know you don’t read it all!

And since you don’t read the booklet, you will not know the manufacturer’s hopes and ideas about their own project.

The car, Ferrari has been tested by the manufacturer, it works, and it has a warranty, but there is a long list of things you MUST do within the “manual”, instructions you need to follow for your car to work as it should. There are also many advices on what you should NOT do, otherwise you may damage the car.  There are things you must do, and if you ignore them, the car will not work.

The manufacturer guarantees the product is good and it works. They will provide you with a guarantee of that.

They say: If you obey the laws on this book the car will work. We will take on all responsibility without costs if the car is not working as promised.

Why does the Ferrari dealer guarantee the car? Because they are protecting the “Ferrari” brand!  Because they know that if the product is not successful then their reputation will be in trouble.

The success of a product protects a company’s reputation. So the worst thing for a manufacturer is when their product fails or is unsuccessful. Success is the manufacturer’s desire, and you are a product! You were created by God!

God has made you by His own image.

God said,“ Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness ”Genesis 1:26

God said: Let’s make a product in our image! You were created by God and His image is in you!

That’s why you’re beautiful, because you look like your daddy, you have His DNA and you have everything you require to work! You were not born to fail!

This means that your failure is bad for God and it is not His will.

Jesus said “I came that you may have life, and may have it abundantly.” John 10:10

So you don’t have to fail, you have divine DNA, you have the Holy Spirit in you and God created you to work!

The Bible does not say that you will be a winner but  more than a winners.

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

You need to believe and have faith in God and His word!

It doesn’t matter where you are in your life, your past doesn’t, your previous failures are not important. God is powerful to transform your life and He will take you out of the situation you find yourself in: be it anguish, sadness, loneliness, depression, illness, it doesn’t matter, He will change it for a victorious life!

Not because of you, but because of His name! When you are restored, His name is glorified, exalted, blessed. Then you cannot fail!

God is faithful to fulfil all that He has promised you! If He says that He will do something in your life, you can trust Him, for He will open doors, He will send the needed resources, He will send healing, He will do it because He is faithful to fulfil all that He has promised.

If God has called you to the ministry, He will empower you, He will open the doors and give you all the necessary resources for that to happen.If you have plans to study, He will open the doors, He will bless you. If He has brought you or will one day take you to a different city, a different country, He will take care of you!

Whatever God had told you to do, He will give you skills and send you all support you may need to do it.

I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it. Revelation 3: 8

The doors He opens, no one can close! Do you believe that? So give glory to God and say hallelujah! Tell Him, I trust you Lord and your name will be exalted and glorified in my life!

Everything He does in your life is because of His Name! That’s why God wants you to be successful!

Being successful is not your dream, it is God’s dream. You need to understand who you are, where you came from, who your creator is and where you are going. As beloved children of God, we need to walk in faith, believing what He said.

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for!”  Hebrews 11: 1 We need to believe in God, believe in the word of God!

Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. ” Joshua 1: 7-8

God says: Have the courage to obey my entire MANUAL, do not deviate either to the right or to the left, so you may be successful. You will succeed and you will prosper.

If you memorise, accept, obey and submit to my laws you will be successful.

When you submit to God’s will and walk in obedience, God’s blessings will follow you, you won’t even have to pray for it!

Example: If you put the right fuel required by your car, you shouldn’t have to pray for the car to run! Just follow instructions and the car will move!

When you submit to the manufacturer’s laws, the manufacturer guarantees success!

God created us, He formed us, He knows us and He knows what is good for you.

Because He knows us, He knows what can hurt you, He knows what can destroy you, that’s why God gave us laws. They are there to protect us, biblical laws were given to guarantee our success!

God says: You shall not kill, you shall not covet (ká-vit) your neighbour’s wife, you shall not lie, you shall not say obscene words, you shall not be drunk, you shall not use drugs, you shall not have sex until you are legally married! All of this is for your protection!

These are laws, they are protective laws that are there so you shall not hurt yourself! Breaking these laws would be the same as buying a Ferrari, filling up the tank with water, and then complaining to the manufacturer that your Ferrari is damaged and that the maker is to blame.

God protects you by giving you laws!

If you, from now on, meditate on His laws, do not stray from them and walk in obedience, you will be successful. Just obey, choose to live well!

Our failure and our success come from our decisions and our obedience to our manufacturer and creator.

If you want to be successful, make a commitment with God, because commitment brings discipline.

When I was born again I made a commitment with Him. I said: God, I will not have sex before I get married, I will not touch my girlfriend’s body until I get married, I will not smoke or drink, I will study and to have a profession, I’m going to be a good professional, I’m not going to lie, I’m going to be a true Christian, I’m going to preach the gospel, I’m going to make disciples.

God blessed my commitment and my discipline. I grew profes-sionally, I prospered financially in the company I worked for, I became a successful professional, I have been married for 31 years and I am happy in my marriage. Because of my calling, I left my job, I became a pastor, our church in Brazil has grown a lot and now we are in Ireland serving the Lord and I know that this church and this ministry here will also grow and prosper a lot too.

Not because of me or my name, but because of Him and His Name. God wants you to be happy;  just walk in obedience to his laws and it will protect you!

God has good plans for you!

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Never judge your destiny by the place of your birth or your social status. Maybe your parents said that you would amount to nothing, that you would have no future, you would fail… This is a lie of Satan!

Psalm 139: 13
God formed us in our mother’s womb! It was God and not your father or mother!

Even if you were not planned by your parents, I want to tell you that you are the result of Gods love and you were created to be happy! To succeed in life!

You are chosen by God and God wants your success! God had plans for you even before you were born!

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  Psalms 139: 16 NIV

When you failed last week, when you sinned, God didn’t panic, God didn’t condemn you, why? Because He has plans drawn up for you, good plans for you, you just have to walk in obedience from now on.

All the times that I went wrong, that I failed, that I did not succeed, it was when I moved based on my own plans, my will and did not obey the laws of God.

Because He has the best for you and this plan has already been determined and is guaranteed because of His Name.

He didn’t save you for yourself or for you to live for yourself! Your happiness is in doing the will of your creator!

You have been saved for Him, you have been saved to reach your destination, your salvation is already guaranteed! Hallelujah!

The Bible says that God “predestined” us, He gave us a pre – destiny – God planned our destiny even before we were born!

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. ”

Ephesians 1: 11-12 NIV

God chose you and gave you a destiny before you were born! Do not allow your past, your sin, your wounds to destroy your future.

Perhaps you have failed, it doesn’t matter, repent, and God will complete the work and purpose that He has for you!

Moses was called by God, he failed, but he did not give up and he fulfilled the call of God. Jonah failed God once, but he repented and fulfilled his destiny later.

Peter failed, denied Jesus, but he wept bitterly, repented and was a great apostle of Jesus.

I have failed many times, but I do not give up on my calling and the purpose He has for my life.

There is a divine purpose for your life, you have to find out who you are in God, what God has for you and where you are going!   

Fulfil your destiny! That’s why Jesus saved you!