You Were born to Succeed (Part 2)

I first heard and took this message to heart over 30 years ago, and since then it has changed the way I live of my life! If you listen and apply it to your life, I guarantee that it will transform your future too! This word is about your life.

A couple of weeks ago I shared a message which the title was: You were born to succeed! And today I want to bring the second message of this series.

I ask you to take notes, study the verses, and listen to this message more than once because the Holy Spirit will reveal you things you have never imagined or dreamed of.

If you haven’t listened to the first message: You Were Born To Succeed, please listen to it.

You need to find out what your purpose is and why you were born!

In the first message I said that death is not the worst thing that could happen to someone, but it is living without ever knowing their purpose in life.

Why did Jesus invite you and I to join Him in the Kingdom of God?

The first thing you need to understand is that The Kingdom of God is not religion! The Kingdom of God is simply His Kingdom over a territory and over the people in that territory.

The reason why Jesus came to this earth was to provide restoration. When we study the Word of God we can clearly see that God wants to restore, to do-over.

Reconcile, Redeem, Restore, Revive, Renew, Reward, Return. All of these are in God’s plan of restoring people and places to how He intended them to be.

If God’s plan is restoration, who does God want to restore? And what does He want to restore us back to?

The first thing God wants is to restore us back to Him.

This is what the Lord Almighty says:Return to me, declare the Lord Almighty,and I will return to you, says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 1: 3


If you read the Bible you will find God saying over and over: return to me, abandon your sins and return to me.

The second target of restoration is to restore the man back to His image.

The purpose and reason why Jesus was sent to earth was to restore us back to the image that we lost because of disobedience.  We were created to God’s image and we lost the image of God due to sin. Our image is now distorted.

God wants to give back the semblance we lost.

Remember that God in creating man gave him authority and dominion over earth, but in disobeying God man lost this authority. God’s aim is to restore the authority men has lost.

God never told man to dominate other people, he told Adam to dominate the earth, the environment.

God has given you a specific area of this earth to dominate. There are areas that you were born to dominate, to govern. But you were not made to dominate people.

God wants to give back the original task He assigned you! This is the goal of Kingdom restoration!

God did not send Jesus to restore you to Heaven! You have not lost Heaven! Jesus came to restore what we lost on earth!

1- Restore you back to Him.
2- Restore His Image in you.
3- Restore the authority and dominion that He once gave you.
4- Restore you to the task and purpose that He created you.

If you want to fulfil your life purpose you must understand this teaching and understand the why Jesus saved you.

You were not saved to belong to a religion, you were not saved to go to Heaven, you were saved to fulfil a task.

Let’s read what the Bible teaches in Ephesians 2:10; this verse is about you!

NTL Version For we are Gods masterpiece. He has CREATED US anew in Christ Jesus, SO WE CAN DO THE GOOD THINGS HE PLANNED FOR US LONG AGO” Ephesians 2:10 NLT

NIV Version For we are Gods handiwork, CREATED in Christ Jesus TO DO GOOD WORKS, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 NIV

This verse shows why God created you and why He saved you! You were made, you were created in the image of Christ Jesus, not to go to Heaven, but you were created and “saved to do good works”. Since when has these works been waiting for you? A long time!

Dear ones, (please , attention because this is so important) God did not bring you this world then had some time to think after you were born to determine what you were going to do.

God never looked at you and said, What am I going to do with this little guy? What am I going to do with this young lady? No!

God created you and assigned you a task even before you were born. God gave you life because He already had some work planned for you to accomplish.

The Bible says that you’re saved to do work, not to go to heaven. There was work set out specifically for you before the world was even made. (It’s by grace you’re saved , you’re saved not by work but to do good works after your salvation)

So, beloved ones, the purpose of your salvation is not only for your soul to be saved from hell, it is for you to work, for you to do the task God prepared for you!

The New Testament does not teach you were saved to go to heaven.

Jesus did not say: So let your Light shine before the Angels and God!

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may SEE YOUR GOOD WORK , and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 KJV

The purpose of your salvation is for you to do God’s work and through your good work the Name of God will be glorified.

The question that must be on your mind now is: What is my job, what are the tasks that God set out for me before I was even born?

If you are alive on planet earth then it is because God has a plan for your life.

God did not put you here for you to have a career, eat, drink, sleep and then die and go to heaven.

Many churches teach people how be religious only to avoid hell. But God has a job, a task that was planned for you to do before you were born.

The question is: What is my job, what is my role and purpose in the Kingdom of God?

1 Corinthians 2: 7-8

No, we declare Gods wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.” 1 Corinthians 2: 7

“None of the rulers of this age understood it, (this wisdom) for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” 1 Corinthians 2: 8

Paul said, we speak the secrets of God, the mysteries that were hidden!

God has secrets! God has wisdom and secret information.

These secrets, this wisdom, are hidden in God and they are about your DESTINY. The destiny He set for you before you were born. Only people connected with the Holy Spirit will be able to understand and unravel the mysteries of God.

For this reason, many are frustrated with their careers, their professional life and even their financial life. I give thanks to God because I learned this principle 30 years ago. I never changed jobs or moved cities to please people, but only because of the plan and purpose God revealed to me.

The truth about you is hidden in God! 1 Cor 2: 7 says that your destiny, your “complete self” is hidden in God!

Your future is in God, it cannot be found in a university course, in the degree you received.

Let’s read Psalms 139:16

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalms 139: 16 NIV

The Bible says that God planned your destiny before you were born! The original plan for your life was written before you were born and God kept it within Him.

After your birth, your challenge is to discover this secret, this plan; you need to go after the purpose your life.  God established your destiny first, and then He brought you into this world!

Let’s read 1 Cor 2: 9

However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him”  1 Corinthians 2:9

No eyes have seen, ears have not heard and no one knows the plans God has in mind for you. Only God knows the plans for your life!

Let’s read the next verse because now you will see the revelation!

These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. ” 1 Corinthians 2:10

God is going to reveal these plans to us through His Spirit. This “Spirit” here is not your “human spirit”, when it is written in capital letters, it is talking about the “Holy Spirit”.

The important details of your life, that ones your parents don’t know, your teacher doesn’t know, nobody knows, but the Holy Spirit can reveal them to you!

God doesn’t want to keep information and plans about you a secret! God wants to reveal these plans to you.

The key for you to find out about your purpose is the Holy Spirit!

That’s why we have been teaching so much here in this church about relationship with the Holy Spirit!

Weeks ago we preached several messages about the Holy Spirit: Intimacy with the Holy Spirit, Relationship with the Holy Spirit, Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who will reveal the secrets of your life to you. If you do not have a relationship with Him, you will follow your own heart, your plans, your parents’ plans, plans that you think you should follow, but not God’s plans.

The key for you to live according to God’s purpose and plan is your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Without this relationship with the Holy Spirit you will live a busy life doing many things you were not born to do! Without this revelation from the Holy Spirit you will be wasting time, talent, energy and gifts. Remember that only the Holy Spirit, who is God, knows the truth about you!

Do you remember that one story Jesus in the temple, when talking to his “earthly” parents, Joseph and Mary?
They asked Jesus: What are you doing here? Why did you do this to us?

He said to them,“ Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Fathers business? ” But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them. ” Luke 2: 49-50

Jesus asked his father and mother: Did you not know about this? Not even his own father and mother knew what He was born to do!

There are many christians, because they do not obey the Holy Spirit, are walking in the flesh and are destroying their lives and wasting their time and talents.

Our failure and our success come from our decisions and our obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Many decisions I have made in my life have protected me, It have protected God’s purpose in my life, because I have chosen to walk in obedience.

Let’s go back to our verse 1 Cor 2:10

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. ” I Corinthians 2:10

The secrets about you are hidden in God, now how can you get to God and learn about your life plan? Only the Spirit knows the depths of God! Only the Holy Spirit can go to the depths of God and find information about your life.

For who knows a persons thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. ” 1 Corinthians 2:11 NIV   

The apostle Paul is saying: No one knows you except yourself! For only you can go inside yourself and know the truth about yourself! You know your own truths. The human spirit of men knows what is inside men. Likewise, no one knows the depths of God except the Spirit of God.

This means that the only one who knows Gods thoughts is the one who can go to the depths of God.

The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to reveal us truths about ourselves! This is the purpose of the Holy Spirit!  If you take this teaching in and put it into practice, the rest of your life will be different.

The dreams that He has for you are bigger than your dreams, and if you start to have a relationship with Him, He will reveal His plans to you!  Hallelujah

Let’s read the last verse  – Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

God has good plans for you, you were born to succeed!  We were created by God to do good works, to manifest His presence wherever we go, and you were created to know Him above all else.

You’re not on this earth to satisfy your own plans and to do your will, but to serve, honour,  respect and to do what your beloved creator and Lord has planned for you to accomplish.

Would you like to have a good life and good future ?

You will only feel happy and complete while living on this earth if you fulfil God’s purpose for your life.

Would you like to serve God faithfully, would you like to be used by God , would you like to fulfil your calling and purpose on earth?

If said yes, pray this prayer and say to the Holy Spirit that you’re sorry for not listening HIM.

Repent of your sins, of your selfishness, for trying to live for yourself, or trying to live your parents’ plans.  Say that you’re sorry for not put God and His Kingdom First ! Tell him: forgive me Holy Spirit for not listening to you and not having a relationship with you.Say to Him , Holy Spirit Help in my weakness, guide my life and use me ! You can count on me from now on. God , You created me and and you saved me,  I want to fulfil all that was planned for me to do. Use me for your glory !in Jesus Name ! Amen !

See you all next week with the third message in the series: You were born to succeed!

God bless you.